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Gov. Herbert's Sage Grouse Law Suit / Lee Applauds Gov. Herbert's Sage Grouse Law Suit / Rep. Bishop Supports Sage-Grouse Litigation

Monday, February 8, 2016 - 12:00pm

Gov. Herbert statement on sage-grouse litigation


SALT LAKE CITY (February 4, 2016) - Gov. Gary R. Herbert issued the following statement regarding the sage-grouse lawsuit filed by the Utah Attorney General’s office:


“The 2,000 pages of new regulations recently imposed by the federal government are in many ways more restrictive than an Endangered Species Act designation. This one-size-fits-all decision does not reflect the tremendous diversity in greater sage-grouse habitats across the West. Today’s action by the state will allow greater flexibility in protecting this unique species while allowing reasonable economic growth in rural Utah.


“I have always believed that, as a state, Utah is better positioned to manage our sage-grouse population than the federal government. Utah has adopted a strong conservation plan designed to protect, enhance and restore sage-grouse habitats throughout the state. This effort by Utah has resulted in the restoration of more than 500,000 acres of sage-grouse habitat and a significant growth in sage-grouse populations. It is unfortunate that the federal government has decided to reject this successful plan.”


Lee Applauds Gov. Herbert’s Sage Grouse Law Suit


WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Thursday, after Utah Gov. Gary Herbert announced he is suing Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to stop Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service implementation of their sage grouse management plan.


“I commend Gov. Herbert’s decision to fight the Obama administration’s efforts to control federal land in Utah from Washington, DC,” Lee said. “Western states have a well-established and exemplary record of implementing their own sage grouse conversation plans and there is zero need for other federal agencies to get involved.”

