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ASEA Business Gaining Momentum with Forty Under 40 Win and New Science Council Member Appointment

Friday, February 19, 2016 - 3:30pm



Kurt Richards has been named one of Utah’s up-and-coming professionals under the age of 40


SALT LAKE CITY (Feb. 17, 2016) – ASEA Executive Vice President Kurt Richards has been recognized by Utah Business magazine as one of Utah’s Forty Under 40.


The Forty Under 40 program recognizes business professionals under the age of 40 who have climbed the corporate ladder quickly, become standouts in their field and demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities. Richards was honored at a luncheon on Feb. 5, 2016 at The Grand American Hotel in Salt Lake City.  


“I am extremely honored that Utah Business has selected me on this year’s list of up-and-coming professionals,” said Kurt Richards, ASEA executive vice president. “I am proud to be one of three key executives leading ASEA as a growing international company and global leader in cellular health, and I look forward to working with my outstanding team every day.” 


At only 38-years-old, Richards has been instrumental in helping establish four successful startup companies from scratch. At ASEA’s inception, the company founders sought Richards out for his known leadership. In the time he has been with ASEA, the company has gone from $20k in sales to more than $70 million last year. In 2015, ASEA was recognized as one of Utah’s 50 fastest growing businesses and as one of the top 100 direct sales companies in the world.


As executive vice president of the company, Richards oversees marketing, public relations, communications, corporate development, and leads research and development efforts for ASEA. He is also involved in charitable initiatives both personally and with the company including Children’s Tumor Foundation, St. Jude’s Children’s Ranch in Las Vegas and ASEA’s official charitable giving initiative, the Advancing Life Foundation.


“We are extremely fortunate to have Kurt Richards serve as our executive vice president,” said Charles F. Funke, ASEA CEO. “Kurt’s expertise in a number of key areas, in addition to his leadership qualities, make him an instrumental figure among our team and vital to our success and growth as a company. We could not be more supportive and pleased with Kurt receiving this well-deserved recognition.”

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ASEA expands its science advisory council to provide additional independent expertise on ASEA


SALT LAKE CITY (Feb. 17, 2016) – ASEA, an emerging global leader in cellular health, announced it has appointed Richard Watt, Ph.D. biochemistry, as the fourth member of its science advisory council.


The ASEA science advisory council, made up of independent experts in science and the research of redox signaling, serve as consultants and ambassadors for ASEA and are in tune with the latest science and research trends in the industry. 


“We are thrilled to have Dr. Richard Watt join the ASEA science advisory council,” said Charles F. Funke, ASEA CEO. “Watt’s expertise in biochemistry will be an asset in moving ASEA forward as a leader in redox signaling technology and advances in cellular health.” 


Watt is currently a professor in the department of chemistry and biochemistry at Brigham Young University, with a Ph.D. in biochemistry from University of Wisconsin-Madison and postdoctoral research from Princeton University. Watt has been published in numerous scholarly journals and academic volumes regarding biochemistry. In addition, Watt is a seasoned presenter, leading workshops and research talks at international biochemistry conferences.


“ASEA has developed breakthrough technology to optimize cellular function and improve overall health and wellness,” said Dr. Richard Watt, ASEA science advisory council member. “I am looking forward to this exciting opportunity to lend my expertise to further establish ASEA as a leader in cellular health.”


Watt will join the three founding council members, which include nutrition expert and author Brooke Alpert, M.S., R.D., C.D.N.; Dr. Giuseppe Maffi, an independent science consultant for multinational companies; and Karen R. Stolman, M.D., adjunct professor in the department of dermatology at the University of Utah.

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About ASEA®


ASEA, an emerging global leader in cellular health, is dedicated to providing a sustainable lifestyle by delivering high-quality cellular health products through a principle-based, direct-selling distribution model. Harnessing science, ASEA offers first-to-market products that utilize molecules native to the human body that enhance vital cellular functions. ASEA’s cornerstone, patented redox signaling technology boosts the body’s natural cellular renewal and communication processes, improving total body health and allowing every system of the body to function better. Currently, redox signaling technology is available in two first-to-market products: ASEA® Redox Supplement, the company’s flagship liquid supplement, and RENU 28®, a revitalizing whole-body skin gel. Founded in 2010, ASEA currently operates in 25 international markets. For more information about ASEA products or the accompanying business opportunity, visit