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June 19 - HSU emphasizes pet safety in cars during summer

Tuesday, June 21, 2016 - 12:00pm

As the Northern Utah area temperature approaches triple digits, the Humane Society of Utah Executive Director Gene Baierschmidt will sit in our vehicle at the shelter parking lot to demonstrate how quickly it can heat up inside a car. This demonstration is meant to education the public on the dangers of leaving a pet inside a vehicle when outside temperatures are 70 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Media is invited to attend and document the temperature increase and resultant effects on Baierschmidt while he sits inside the vehicle and describes how he feels. Murray City Fire Department will be on-site as a precaution to monitor Baierschmidt’s well-being.


Utah recently witnessed a dog succumb to a heat-related death after being left inside a vehicle. The Humane Society of Utah is committed to educating the community about the dangers of extreme temperatures on pets. Pet owners are warned that even if windows are down, and a vehicle is parked in the shade, inside temperatures can quickly increase and have harmful if not fatal consequences on an animal. The public will also be informed about what to do if they see a pet left inside a vehicle.