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Updates from Governors Office

Friday, June 24, 2016 - 10:45am

Gov. Herbert to visit Saddle Fire


What: Gov. Herbert will visit the site of the Saddle Fire, where he will talk with community members and local officials involved in the fire’s suppression.


Gov. Herbert statement on selection of Sydnee Dickson as state superintendent

SALT LAKE CITY (June 23, 2016) – Gov. Gary R. Herbert issued the following statement in response to the Utah State Board of Education’s selection of Sydnee Dickson as state superintendent:


“Congratulations to Dr. Syd Dickson on her appointment as state superintendent. Syd has done an excellent job over the past several months as the interim superintendent, and I look forward to our continued association. Her experience as a school counselor, as well as positions at the school, district and state levels have effectively prepared her to take the helm as superintendent. I look forward to working with Syd and other stakeholders as we push forward in our goal to make Utah’s education system the best in America.”


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