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Updates from Utah Gov - Organizations

Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 9:30am

Election officials contest Wayne County election


SALT LAKE CITY  (July 15, 2016) – Allegations of misconduct were recently raised related to the county commission primary race in Wayne County. If proven to be accurate these allegations may have impacted the final outcome of the election.


In response to these allegations, Lt. Gov. Spencer J. Cox, in conjunction with the Attorney General’s Office, the Wayne County Attorney’s Office and the Wayne County Clerk/Auditor’s Office, have filed in 6th Judicial District Court the necessary legal petition to contest the Wayne County commission primary election. This court filing is necessary now because the deadline to file an election contest is today.


“As election officials the voters entrust us to ensure our elections are administered with the utmost integrity,” Lt. Gov. Cox said. “Election misconduct will not be tolerated and will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”


A criminal investigation is currently being conducted by several law enforcement agencies.


Click here to read the court filing.

