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Updates from Utah Gov - Organizations

Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - 2:45pm


Burns, Oregon (July 20, 2016) . Citing the First Amendment, two leading wild horse advocacy organizations have filed a formal request to observe and record controversial surgical procedures to be performed on wild horses at the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse Corral Facility in Hines, Oregon. 

The   American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign and The Cloud Foundation contend that the surgical procedures to be performed by BLM in conjunction with Oregon State University (OSU) are invasive, inhumane, outdated and dangerous, and that the BLM should not be allowed to conduct them behind closed doors.

BLM and OSU are moving forward with the experiments despite receiving tens of thousands of comments opposing them. 

The groups maintain that since the BLM has stated that a major purpose of the research is to determine “the social acceptability” of the procedures, it’s vital that they be observed and recorded so the public has the opportunity to witness how the federally protected animals subject to the surgeries are being treated.

“Given that these experiments will form the basis for the BLM establishing program-wide policies, public documentation of this project is essential,” wrote attorney Nick Lawton of Meyer, Glitzenstein & Eubanks in an official request letter official request letter to the BLM. The prominent public interest law firm is representing the groups in this matter. 

“The public’s right to know what is happening to our nation’s federally protected wild horses on public property is vitally important, particularly since these controversial procedures could become routine practice by BLM,” Suzanne Roy, Executive Director of the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign. “We firmly believe that once American citizens and our elected leaders see what the BLM is doing to our federally-protected wild horses, they simply won’t stand for it.” 

"The genetic viability of most wild horse herds is already at risk due to the small herd size at which they are managed. To further endanger herds by permanent sterilization is a formula for genetic disaster," said Ginger Kathrens, Humane Advocate on the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board and Volunteer Executive Director of The Cloud Foundation. 

BLM and OSU intend to perform a procedure on wild mares called ovariectomy-by-colpotomy which involves a veterinarian cutting into a mare’s vaginal wall, placing his hand and arm through the vagina into the abdominal cavity, manually locating the ovaries, then severing them with a rod-like chain tool called an ecraseur.  

The surgery puts mares at risk for death from hemorrhage and infection and for evisceration – the protrusion on the bowel through the surgical incision.

75 percent of the mares who will be experimented on will be pregnant, and the procedure will cause many to have abortions.

In wild horses, it’s not possible to provide the same post-surgical care available to domestic animals, or to forcibly restrain their movement after surgery, resulting in a high risk for infection and pain following the procedure. Removing mares’ ovaries will also cause serious behavioral changes, making this an inappropriate management tool for wild herds. 

The groups are asking BLM to respond to its request by July 28 and, if denied access to observe and record the procedures, will file a suit to protect their First Amendment rights. They are also plaintiffs in an ongoing 

lawsuit against the BLM over its plans to convert a wild free-roaming horse population in the Saylor Creek Herd Management Area (HMA) in Idaho into a non-reproducing herd by sterilizing every mare and stallion living there. 

The American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign is a national wild horse advocacy organization whose grassroots mission is endorsed by a coalition of more than 60 horse advocacy, public interest, and conservation organizations. AWHPC is dedicated to preserving the American wild horse in viable, free-roaming herds for generations to come, as part of our national heritage.

The Cloud Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and protection of wild horses and burros on our Western public lands with a focus on protecting Cloud’s herd in the Pryor Mountains of Montana. Cloud is the subject of Foundation founder Ginger Kathrens' groundbreaking PBS/Nature documentaries.

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2016 Roll Out Press Conference for

Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah



Who: Join organizers of the Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah to meet a select group of professional cyclists who will be competing at this year’s stage race. Many of these athletes are currently competing at the Tour de France. The 12th edition of the Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah will take place Aug. 1-7. Special guests speaking at the press conference include:

  • Honorable Maile Wilson, Mayor of Cedar City
  • Steve Miller, Board Member of LHM Group of Companies
  • Jenn Andrs, Executive Director of Tour of Utah
  • Gary Webster, Utah District Director for U.S. Congressman Chris Stewart
  • Joel Racker, Chair of the Governor’s Board of Tourism Development
  • Sean Petty, Board Member of USA Cycling and Member of UCI Road Commission

What: Members of the media will have an opportunity to interview a select group of professional athletes. Media are also encouraged to capture photography and videography of the athletes and guest speakers. Race week media credentials will be available for pick up.


When: Sunday, July 31, 2016, 2-3 p.m. (MT)


Where: Sharwin Smith Student Center Ballroom

            351 W. University Blvd., Cedar City, Utah 84720


Follow: Web

            Twitter - @tourofutah

            Facebook – tourofutah


More: The Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah, referred to as "America's Toughest Stage RaceTM," is a week-long, professional cycling stage race for the best men’s teams in the world. The 2016 event will be held Aug. 1-7.  Now in its 12th year, the event was elevated in 2015 as a 2.HC-rated UCI stage race, making it one of the premier events in North America. The 2016 Tour of Utah will cover 705 miles of racing and 52,825 feet of climbing. The 2015 Tour of Utah men’s champion was Joe Dombrowski (USA) of Cannon dale -Drapac Pro Cycling Team. The Tour of Utah is owned by Larry H. Miller Sports & Entertainment. A total of 16 men’s professional teams will compete, bringing more than 122 athletes from 23 countries.


Report ranks solar capacity by state

A new report shows how much solar power grew in Utah last year, and how the state’s total solar capacity per capita compares to others nationwide. The fourth annual report from Environment America Research & Policy Center comes as this month Salt Lake City set goals to transition to 100 percent renewable energy sources and reach an 80 percent reduction in carbon emissions.


 Today Environment America released "Lighting the Way 4: The Top States that Helped Drive America's Solar Energy Boom in 2015." Please see the attached press release and follow the link to the report if you are interested in covering this monumental release of data to inform Utahns about the state's role in developing sustainable energy solutions. As one of the top ten states using solar power, it's important to share with residents the progress they have made and where they stand nationally to continue to increase Utah's use of renewable energy for the health of the planet and generations to come. 


"Lighting the Way 4: The Top States that Helped Drive America's Solar Energy Boom in 2015"