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Why the Media's Portrayal of Carbon Dioxide Is Often Wrong

Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - 11:15am
The Daily Signal

Sept. 7, 2016

Good morning from Washington, where a North Carolina conservative wants to take over a key Republican caucus in the House. Philip Wegmann, who broke the story, has an interview. Lawmakers remain at loggerheads over Zika funding, and Planned Parenthood is one big reason. Kelsey Harkness has the story. Plus: Nick Loris on what the media doesn't know about carbon dioxide, Leah Jessen on conservative leaders' recipe for lame duck, and Becky Norton Dunlop on political trailblazer Phyllis Schlafly.


What Zika Crisis Shows About Women's Health Funding Debate


Planned Parenthood does not provide primary care services, "and that's what you need in a public health crisis … [to] determine whether someone has Zika, and advise them on how to not get Zika," says Casey Mattox of Alliance Defending Freedom.

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Freshman Launches Bid for RSC Chair With New Brand of 'Effective Conservatism'


In his first sit-down interview since formally announcing his candidacy Tuesday afternoon, Rep. Mark Walker tells The Daily Signal he envisions a bolder and more active Republican Study Committee during next year's 115th Congress.

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Why the Media's Portrayal of Carbon Dioxide Is Often Wrong


The media is helping governments wage an all-out war on carbon dioxide while distorting the truth about the colorless gas.

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Over 100 Conservative Leaders Say No to a Lame-Duck Congressional Session After Election


"Congress must not provide President Obama with an additional opportunity to enact his agenda of progressive social engineering programs and job-killing economic policies before he leaves office," warn the leaders in a memo.

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The Incredible Leadership of Phyllis Schlafly


You could not be part of the conservative movement and not know of the enormous contribution Phyllis Schlafly has made to assure that we and future generations know the blessings of liberty.

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