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Updates from Utah Gov - Organizations

Thursday, September 8, 2016 - 3:30pm

Utah Treasurer David Damschen Announces $21.6 Million

Unclaimed Cash Returned to Utahns in FY2016





Second Highest Annual Payout in Utah History

SALT LAKE CITY – September 8, 2016 – Utah State Treasurer David Damschen today announced that $21.6 million in unclaimed funds and property were returned in FY2016 (July 2015 – June 2016) to over 30,000 Utahns by the Unclaimed Property Division of the Utah State Treasurer’s Office.  Due to the March 2014 launch of a new website and community outreach campaign, this is one of the top two highest annual payouts in Utah history. The highest payout was FY2015, immediately following the launch when the Division returned $22.5 million to rightful owners – a 34 percent increase from the prior year’s all-time high of $15.8 million.

“I’ve made it my mission to increase public awareness of the $370 million dollars in unclaimed property under the state’s watch – and our efforts are literally paying off for thousands of Utahns.” said Treasurer Damschen.  “For the last two years since the launch of our public outreach campaign, our team has increased payouts by over 30 percent.”   

In March 2014, the Unclaimed Property Division launched its new website,, promoting it through radio, television, online news channels and in various social media outlets – which increased paid claims volumes by 112 percent.  In 2015, the Division continued to increase awareness via traditional media and social media channels, keeping paid claims volumes at historically record high levels. 

“Checking the website is easier than playing the lottery and you have better odds of winning given one in five Utahns has unclaimed money,” added Treasurer Damschen.  “From dormant bank accounts to old overpaid doctor bills, uncollected insurance checks or outstanding utility deposits – we ask everyone to check today so we can continue getting this money back into the pockets of its rightful owners.” 

Utah's Unclaimed Property Division currently safeguards a total of $370 million in unclaimed property for residents and businesses throughout Utah, with many states across the nation holding far higher totals.  An average of $40 million in new unclaimed money is turned over to the State of Utah each year.  Lost or abandoned property is searchable online at or by calling 801-715-3300.  

“We ask all Utahns to call or check to learn if they have money waiting for them and begin the simple claims process – and to check for their family, friends and deceased relatives as well,” added Dennis Johnston, Director of the Unclaimed Property Division.  

Along with most states across the nation, Utah adopted the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (1956) – ensuring abandoned or lost property of its citizens is turned over to State government for safekeeping – not kept by companies, employers, service providers and others.  Examples of such property include uncashed payroll checks, dormant bank accounts, overpaid bills and security deposit boxes.  Companies with unclaimed properties are required to transfer them each year to the States so those funds can be safeguarded and returned to the rightful owners. 


Utah First in the Country to Embrace Voluntary Certification for Commercial Interior Designers




The Utah State Legislature enacted the Commercial Interior Design Certification Act, removing significant barriers for Utah’s interior designers

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, UNITED STATES, September 1, 2016 / -- The Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing is now accepting applications from interior designers who qualify for the newly enacted Commercial Interior Design Certification.

Since the early 1990’s, Utah’s interior designers have been prohibited from independently practicing to the full extent of their education and experience. This meant that an interior designer was barred from performing design work on their own in any code-impacted commercial space above 3,000 square feet.

During the 2016 legislative session, the Interior Design, Education, and Legislative coalition of Utah (IDEAL for Utah) advocated for interior design to be recognized as an independent profession and removed barriers to practice in specific commercial spaces. The Commercial Interior Design Certification is the result of collaborative efforts including representation from the design community, trade organizations, educators and students, Utah Legislature, the Women in the Economy Commission, the Disability Law Center and more.

Senator Luz Escamilla, the sponsor and champion of the legislation said, “I am proud to work hand in hand with the interior design community and their leaders in the passing of SB 117, Commercial Interior Design Certification, that removes barriers for qualified interior designers so they can expand their ability to compete or bid in new spaces independently as the primary lead on a design project.   More importantly, it allowed for an industry of mostly professional women to practice their profession to the full extent of their education and experience, expanding services and stimulating economic development.”

Commercial Interior Designers typically have a four-year degree, experience through a supervised internship, and have passed the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) examination; an independent, non-profit testing body nationally recognized as the industry standard examination for interior design. Utah has several accredited interior design programs, including Weber State University and Utah State University.

Utah is the first state in the country to pass legislation for Commercial Interior Designers and has adopted certification as a less burdensome regulatory designation recommended by many in the legislature. Certification not only helps define the profession as separate from decorating, it also provides a pathway for interior designers to compete for design projects in commercial spaces that are subject to the International Building Code. Opportunities to bid on state and federal contracts will increase competition, anchor design firm expansion as contracts are won, and diversity within the professional designer workforce in commercial spaces will provide additional options for consumers. Certification clearly defines Commercial Interior Design from interior decorating, yet because it is voluntary, will not limit designers from working.

Amy Coombs, IDEAL-UT lobbyist said, “Misconceptions abound concerning what professional interior designers do, and clearly if investigated you would quickly find out they do so much more than paint and pillows. For example, many public buildings have interiors exclusively designed by interior designers who are trained and educated in our state universities regarding health-safety issues. These health-safety issues include applied knowledge of fire-ratings, flammable materials, Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements, egress and much more.”

To become a Certified Commercial Interior Designer individuals must submit an application found on DOPL’s website, pay a fee, provide satisfactory evidence of good moral character, and qualify and pass the NCIDQ examination. The cost to apply for the Commercial Interior Design Certification is an initial $70.00 and thereafter the renewal fee is $40.00 every two years. Certified Commercial Interior Designers are also required to complete 20 hours of continuing education for their renewal, with at least 10 continuing education credit hours dedicated exclusively to heath-safety issues.

Interior Design is a known to be a female dominated industry yet women entrepreneurs still face challenges getting fair access to capital. Only 4 percent of the total dollar value of all small business loans goes to women entrepreneurs, according to a US Senate hearing on July 23, 2014, which focused on Empowering Women Entrepreneurs. Additionally, women entrepreneurs still face formidable challenges gaining equal access to federal contracts. When interior designers choose to start their own business as an alternative to employment in architectural design-build firms, these small businesses are often owned by women. With the enactment of the Commercial Interior Design Certification, these small women-owned businesses will now have the ability to bid on state and federal contracts within a newly defined scope of practice.

IDEAL for Utah President and Principal Interior Designer at Interiors West, Melanie Bahl said, “It was an exhilarating day to see Certified Commercial Interior Designer on the DOPL website.  I encourage all professionals to register with the state.  What took years to put into law takes only a few minutes to register.  I wish to encourage working interior designers and students to take the NCIDQ exam, which is the best measurement of professional practice our industry has.  Congratulations to all who took part in opening opportunities for Commercial Interior Designers


Dear Republican Friend,
As we transition into fall and the election cycle heats up, it is especially important as a nation and as Utahns that we never forget the thousands of brave civilians, law enforcement, and first responders who died in a terrorist attack on our nation just fifteen years ago on September 11, 2001.
This Sunday, on September 11, we honor the lives of those who died so tragically and far too soon. It’s also a day to show the world and those who disdain our way of life, our freedoms and the U.S. Constitution that we will never forget the horrific events that occurred on 9/11 and that we will never stop fighting for those freedoms.
Strategic national security and foreign policy with America's best interests in mind have never been as important as they are today. With that in mind, I ask that you please take a moment this weekend to say a prayer and/or conduct a moment of silence for those who lost their lives on 9/11 — and please never forget.
God bless you, your family and those who work each day to secure our inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
With deepest appreciation and respect,



Intermountain Precision Genomics and Asia Genomics Form Collaboration to Deliver Personalized Medicine

Genomics testing will be offered outside United States

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, USA, September 7, 2016 / -- Intermountain Healthcare and Asia Genomics have announced a collaboration for Asia Genomics to distribute a test in Southeast Asia that delivers personalized medicine. Officials from both companies finalized an agreement where Asia Genomics now contracts with Intermountain Precision Genomics to offer ICG100™ testing. Intermountain Precision Genomics ICG100™ test is Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) that identifies mutations within a person’s cancer to identify specific DNA targets for personalized drug treatments. Currently approved for late stage cancer patients who have failed a traditional treatment method, the ICG100™ test offers new hope where traditional treatments fall short.

Asia Genomics has been offering various types of genomic tests in the healthcare environment since 2014. The primary focus of the tests Asia Genomics offers center on reproductive health and cancer care. “We are excited to be the first value-adding partner with Intermountain Precision Genomics outside of the U.S. Leveraging Intermountain Precision Genomics’ years of experience in cancer research, diagnosis and treatment, we aim to improve survival and quality of life for cancer patients in Asia”, said Dr. Wong Mun-Yew, CEO & Founder of Asia Genomics. “With this partnership, Asia Genomic continues to stay on the forefront of clinical genomics in Southeast Asia, offering the widest range of curated genomics tests and services.”

“We are pleased to partner with Asia Genomics to help extend life and improve quality of life for late-stage cancer patients across Southeast Asia,” said Terri Kane, Vice President of Intermountain Healthcare’s Southwest Region, which includes Intermountain Precision Genomics. “Targeted therapies are the most effective treatment for late-stage cancer patients and we look forward to this partnership positively impacting the way patients receive care around the world.”

Intermountain Precision Genomics is a service of Intermountain Healthcare, which offers genetic sequencing of solid tumors. This in-depth sequencing identifies individual mutations within a person’s cancer cells to identify specific DNA targets for personalized drugs. For more information about Intermountain Precision Genomics please visit:, join the dialog on Facebook (Intermountain Precision Genomics) or follow @precisioncancer on Twitter.

Asia Genomics specializes in clinical genomic and genetic testing. Their goal is to provide tests that have a real impact on clinical decision-making and improve health. Asia Genomics offers tests that are evidence-based, accepted and endorsed by doctors internationally. Based in Singapore, with operations in Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand, Asia Genomics has a total market reach of 600,000,000 people. A venture-backed start-up, Asia Genomics plans to expand into Indonesia later this year. Visit, on Facebook or follow @asiagenomics on Twitter.



Concierge Delivery Service Concept Expanding Across the U.S.


Utah-based company snackdash is pleased to announce the expansion of their business with new franchising opportunities.


“We are excited about expanding snackdash with franchise opportunities in California and at the same time supporting the future generation of entrepreneurs”

— CEO Seth Lloyd

PROVO, UTAH, USA, September 7, 2016 / -- Utah-based company snackdash is pleased to announce the expansion of their business with new franchising opportunities. Snackdash anticipates adding a total of 15 units in the first year of business and 500 overall units in the first five years.Established in 2013, snackdash is a concierge delivery service utilizing an easy-to-use app for business customers. They offer order and delivery services for snacks, beverages, fresh and frozen foods, office supplies, and more that employers may provide to employees within the workplace and in break rooms.

“We are excited about expanding snackdash with franchise opportunities in California and at the same time supporting the future generation of entrepreneurs,” said company CEO Seth Lloyd.

Snackdash uses a proprietary mobile app on the iOS and Android platforms with the focus on providing a seamless interaction between franchisee and customer. The snackdash app provides franchisees with back-end support from the corporate brand. The snackdash app gives franchisees the ability to do business from the palm of their hands, and we are excited to offer an effective, easy-to-use system. Lloyd said, “With the snackdash app, franchisees can focus on growing their business, not running it.”

An initial investment fee of $25,000 is required to start a snackdash franchise and the total investment ranges from $46,150 to $125,000. Franchisees are not required to have a brick-and-mortar location; rather, they lease company-branded vans for transporting goods. Honorably discharged U.S. military veterans receive a 25% discount on the initial franchise fee.

The franchisee opportunity is one with residual earnings, a model that generates revenue on an ongoing basis based on customer satisfaction and loyalty. According to Lloyd, “Clients who use our app once are hooked on our white-glove concierge delivery system from the ease of ordering to the no-hassle delivery and complimentary stocking services. We see clients placing repeat orders on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis.”

About snackdash
Provo, Utah-based snackdash is a premier concierge delivery service company that began in 2013. Snackdash focuses on the convenience of ordering through their official app, which is available for download on the iOS and Android platforms. With this proprietary software, snackdash provides services to business customers with a white-glove, cost-saving approach. For more information about owning a franchise, please visit (
