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The Obamacare Alternative More Americans Are Turning To

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 10:15am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Sept. 13, 2016

Good morning from Washington, where the bad news about Obamacare keeps coming. Melissa Quinn looks at a faith-based alternative that's growing as a result. Should local election systems get federal protection from cyberattacks? Some don't like that idea, Fred Lucas reports. The rental-car business gets political in the left's campaign against "climate deniers." Kevin Mooney and Ken McIntyre steer you straight. Plus: Leah Jessen on a bill to stop dismemberment of unborn babies, and Beverly Hallberg on how to talk with skeptics about voter ID.


The Obamacare Alternative More Americans Are Turning To


"We know we don't pay for anyone's abortions, we don't pay for contraception, we don't pay for sex changes," says Deirdre Folley. " … We know that our money isn't taking part in anything that we have a moral objection to."

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Enterprise Resists Pressure to Steer Away From Legislative Reform Group


Attacks on the rental-car giant Enterprise over social media demonstrate how liberal pressure groups, labeling opponents as "climate change deniers," coordinate efforts to bully companies to agree with them or face condemnation orchestrated by the groups.

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Obama White House Eyes Hacking Threat as Rationale to 'Protect' Elections


The federal government is mulling a decision to protect state election systems. But state officials and other critics worry this move, under the guise of thwarting cyberterrorists, would be a back-door means of nationalizing local election functions.

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This Senator Wants to Ban Doctors From Dismembering Unborn Babies in the Womb


The Dismemberment Abortion Ban Act defines a dismemberment abortion as an abortion that uses "clamps, grasping forceps, tongs, scissors or similar instruments" to "slice, crush or grasp a portion of the unborn child's body in order to cut or rip it off or crush it," with the purpose of causing death to the unborn child.

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A Simple, 3-Step Approach to Defending Voter ID Laws


Here's how you can make the case to a liberal that voter ID is a good idea.

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