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Mike Pence: 'Buckle Up' for Trump's First 100 Days

Wednesday, December 7, 2016 - 10:15am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Dec. 7, 2016

Good morning from Washington, where we remember the attack on Pearl Harbor 75 years ago today. The incoming vice president heralds a new day in a Washington speech, and Fred Lucas was there. GOP leaders joined with Democrats to spare the top IRS agent from an impeachment vote, Rachel del Guidice reports. A couple asserts their right to celebrate marriage. Leah Jessen has details. Plus: Kevin Mooney on a digital dustup over entrepreneur Elon Musk, Jarrett Stepman on the politics of state funerals, and Craig Shirley on how Pearl Harbor changed us.


Mike Pence: 'Buckle Up' for Trump's First 100 Days


Vice President-elect Mike Pence asserted Tuesday night that the Trump administration will have an aggressive first 100 days in office that includes rebuilding the military, repealing Obamacare, and naming a justice to the Supreme Court.

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This Filmmaking Couple Doesn’t Want to Be Punished for Not Promoting Same-Sex Marriage


A Minnesota couple is suing state officials to allow their film production company to celebrate marriage as a man-woman union without being forced, against their biblical beliefs, to promote same-sex marriage.

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Obama’s IRS Commissioner Escapes Impeachment Vote in Congress


"[IRS Commissioner John] Koskinen [was] brought in to clean up the mess, and he has done, in my judgement, just the opposite," says Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.

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Conservative Activists, Liberal Bloggers Trade Shots Over Elon Musk's Subsidies


Despite "mounting evidence of cronyism by his crumbling empire, Elon Musk has tapped stooge-like left-wing bloggers to come to his defense," warns Citizens for the Republic, a grassroots conservative group.

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Remembering the Seventh of December


Historian Craig Shirley describes what it was like, both at Pearl Harbor and elsewhere in the United States, that horrible Sunday, Dec. 7.

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Republican Lawmakers Demand Smithsonian Include Clarence Thomas


A group of legislators led by Republican Texas Sen. John Cornyn introduced a resolution demanding the National Museum of African American History and Culture include Justice Clarence Thomas in its exhibits.

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Obama Sent Someone to Castro's Funeral, but Not Thatcher's. Why It Sends the Wrong Message.


The simple act of administration officials attending or not attending a state leader's funeral service communicates a great deal to the world about what a president's intentions are.

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