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Trump's Pick for EPA Has a History of Fighting the Agency

Thursday, December 8, 2016 - 10:15am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Dec. 8, 2016

Good morning from Washington, where an EPA critic will run the agency if President-elect Donald Trump's pick, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, takes over. Kelsey Harkness shares some facts. Ohio Gov. John Kasich ponders signing a bill to ban abortions at about six weeks. Leah Jessen reports. A top House anti-terrorism leader outlines a strategy at The Heritage Foundation. Josh Siegel was there. Plus: Fred Lucas on how Democrats hope to curb the internet, and Walter Williams on why we shouldn't dump the Electoral College.


Trump's Pick for EPA Has a History of Fighting the Agency


Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt is known for waging legal battles with the EPA over its climate change agenda, suggesting that President-elect Trump could intend to make good on his promise to "get rid of [the agency] in almost every form."

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Obama's Terrorism Claim Hides an Inconvenient Truth


"Over [the] last eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland," President Obama said.

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Ohio Lawmakers Put 'Heartbeat' Abortion Ban on Kasich's Desk


The Ohio Legislature has passed and sent to Gov. John Kasich's desk a measure that would ban abortion after a baby's heartbeat is detected, about six weeks following conception.

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Top House Republican Proposes Aggressive Plan to Help Trump Fight Terrorism


"Our country is less secure than it was eight years ago. We are grappling with the calamities of retreat and a failed foreign policy," Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, warns.

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Dodd-Frank Must Go. Here's the Republican Plan to Save Community Banks, Spur Economic Growth.


"American families and workers have been waiting for eight long years for a return to healthy economic growth and opportunity, and congressional Republicans are ready to deliver," writes Rep. Keith Rothfus, R-Pa., for The Daily Signal.

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How Democrats Could Regulate Internet Even After Trump Takes Office


Democrats are pushing to lift the hold on President Barack Obama's nominee to serve a second five-year term on the Federal Communications Commission.

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Getting Rid of Electoral College Would Mean a Tyrannical Rule of the Majority


The Electoral College gives states with small populations a measure of protection against domination by states with large populations.

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