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Updates From Senator Lee's Office

Wednesday, December 21, 2016 - 10:30am
Senator Mike Lee

Utah’s Elected Leaders to Oppose Monument Designation at Capitol Press Conference


No Midnight Monument

Good evening Utahns, I want to let you know about some disturbing rumors we’ve been hearing in Washington DC.
Many of you have been fighting with me over the past 6 years to prevent President Obama from designating additional national monuments in Utah.
Now, unfortunately, we are hearing that President Obama is planning follow through with the threat to designate the Bears Ears National Monument.
In her confirmation hearings Secretary Jewell committed to ensuring that there would be local support for a monument before recommending monument designation to the president. There is not nearly enough local support for the Bears Ears National Monument to justify designating it.
It would be a mistake to designate this monument in general, but it is especially a mistake to designate it NOW – only days before Christmas, during the final weeks of the Obama presidency, after an election that was a referendum on this president’s record of abusing his executive authority to enact policies that hurt hard working Americans – especially those living in rural communities.
There is still time for the president to reverse course and decide not to designate this monument, and I hope he doesn’t do it. If he does make this designation it will be clear that it is time for Congress to take away the power given to presidents to designate national monuments.
After working with President Trump to make sure that the Bears Ears designation is rescinded, defunded, and repealed, I will work with the Utah delegation, Utah's state officials, other members of Congress, and the Trump administration to repeal the Antiquities Act – or at the very least give Utah the same exemptions from presidential monument designations that Wyoming and Alaska enjoy.

After cleaning up the mess left behind by a last minute, last ditch midnight monument designation, I will look forward to working with the people of San Juan county and the local Native American tribes in the area near Bears Ears to ensure that their voice is no longer excluded from land management decisions that directly impact their communities and way of life.

For a stirring example of why these voices should not be ignored I strongly recommend that you watch San Juan County Commissioner Rebecca Benally's statement in opposition to the designation of the Bears Ears National Monument:

>>Click here to watch<<

Ultimately, our communities are our most precious resource, and I am committed to fight for the small communities in Utah that have been left out and left behind.


Utah’s Elected Officials Stand Together in Opposition to Bears Ears Monument Designation


SALT LAKE CITY – On Monday afternoon, members of Utah’s federal delegation, along with state and county officials, stood together in opposition to an executive designation of a Bears Ears National Monument. Videos of the full press conference can be found on Facebook.


“Like any family, we have our disagreements, but we in our state know how to unite.” Senator Lee stated. “Mr. President, know this - you might choose to exercise this authority, to designate this monument to yourself on your way out the door, but please know that if you choose to do so, not only will you be harming the people of San Juan county - who overwhelmingly oppose this - but you will be tarnishing the Christmas season, you’ll be tarnishing your own legacy. And you will be sowing the seeds for the destruction of the thing you wish to create right now, because we will use every tool in our arsenal to undo what you are doing by designating this monument.”


Senator Lee continued, “I know that’s not what you want, Mr. President. And I know that what you want is not to harm the people of the state of Utah. I know that you, Mr. President, do not want to undermine the religious interests of the Native Americans who reside in San Juan county to whom this land carries great significance. Mr. President, we beg of you, do not do this.”
