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Hughes Goes Nuclear Over Allegations He was Involved in Swallow Scandal

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 - 11:30am
Utah Policy

Hughes Goes Nuclear Over Allegations He was Involved in Swallow Scandal

House Speaker Greg Hughes vehemently denied allegations leveled by convicted businessman Marc Sessions Jenson that he was somehow involved in the political scandal that forced former Attorney General John Swallow from office.

During a Tuesday court hearing, Jenson dropped the bombshell that Hughes was present at a meeting at the posh Pelican Hill resort in Southern California in 2009, along with Swallow and former Attorney General Mark Shurtleff.

Jenson allegedly hosted both Swallow and Shurtleff at the resort after he resolved some Utah criminal charges against him.

In an emotional speech to his GOP caucus, Hughes said:

“There has been accusations (in the Swallow court hearing) that I had some meeting with Shurtleff and Swallow at Pelican Hill. I have never been to Pelican Hill; was at no meeting and I don’t know this Jenson guy, have never met him."

Hughes' name had not come up before in relation to the public corruption charges against Swallow.

In response to the allegations, Hughes had a fiery retort.

"I don’t know how you can cherry pick a name like this at a trial," he said. "It is hard to defend yourself against a negative, but I will."

Hughes also vowed to do anything he could to clear his name.

“I will walk down (to the courthouse) and under oath clear this up. I have nothing to do with any of this. My hair is on fire. I will explain that. I’m going to the Democratic (House) caucus right now to say this. I’m going to the Senate caucus. I will talk to any of the media. I want my name out of that circus down there."

Hughes' statement prompted House Caucus members to give him a standing ovation.

Hughes muttered out loud as he walked out the door. “This is unbelievable."