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Trump Right to Fix Obama's Unlawful Transgender School Policies

Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 10:00am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Feb. 23, 2017

Good morning from Washington, where President Trump is letting state and local education officials decide which restrooms transgender students use at school. Ryan Anderson applauds the undoing of President Obama's order on the subject. Trump vows to get to the bottom of leaks of classified information, and Josh Siegel reports on how. A Democrat governor moves to zero-out spending on public broadcasting. Fred Lucas has details. Plus: Melanie Israel on Medicaid and abortion, and Lee Edwards on Obama's place among great presidents.


Trump Right to Fix Obama's Unlawful Transgender School Policies


Schools were told by the Obama administration last year they had to allow students access to bathrooms, locker rooms, dorm rooms, and hotel rooms for overnight field trips based entirely on the self-declared gender identities of their students.

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Watch How One Congressman Handles a Rowdy Town Hall Meeting


The Daily Signal visits Rep. Dave Brat's town hall meeting in Blackstone, Virginia, to witness a lively and occasionally boisterous discussion with his constituents.

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Trump Wants Justice Department to Investigate Leakers. How That Works.


The government has a range of criminal statutes to use against leakers, including the Espionage Act of 1917, which prohibits the improper accessing, handling, or transmitting of "information respecting the national defense" with the intent of injuring the U.S. or aiding a foreign nation.

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Democrat Governor Wants to Cut Taxpayer Funding for Public Broadcasting to Zero


At a time when President Trump's administration is reportedly considering cuts to public broadcasting, one Democrat governor already has proposed to eliminate taxpayers' subsidies for his state's TV and radio affiliates.

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Obama Bests Monroe, Madison, Clinton on Historians' List of Great Presidents


Ronald Reagan, who ended the Cold War without firing a shot and restored Americans' confidence in themselves, ranks ninth while Barack Obama, who presided over the slowest economic recovery since World War II and failed to live up to his own transformational expectations, ranks 12th.

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Latest Court Decision Blocking Texas' Attempt to Defund Planned Parenthood Shows Need for Congressional Action


This is the sixth instance in which a court has prevented a state from denying Medicaid funds to Planned Parenthood.

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One Woman’s Story About the Increasing Costs of Obamacare


After receiving a subsidy, Kim Quade's monthly payment for insurance is $333—still nearly double what she was paying in 2013.

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