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Morning must reads for Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 - 12:15pm
Utah Policy

Lawmakers are abandoning effort to restore sales tax on food in 2017

By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor




Putting the state sales tax back on food, at least for now, is dead on Capitol Hill.


That’s what House Speaker Greg Hughes told UtahPolicy Monday evening.



Local News Highlights: Daily Briefing

Morning must reads for Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Good Tuesday morning from Salt Lake City. Today is the 66th day of the year. There are 299 days remaining in 2017.

Lawmakers are spending big on homeless aid. Plan to restore sales tax on food collapses. Congressional Republicans unveil their Obamacare replacement.

The clock:

  • 2 days until the final day of the 2017 Utah Legislature (3/9/2017)
  • 74 days until the Utah Republican State Convention (5/20/2017)
  • 102 days until the Utah Democratic State Convention at Weber State University (6/17/2017)
  • 245 days until the 2017 municipal elections (11/7/2017)
  • 321 days until the opening day of the 2018 Utah Legislature (1/22/2018)
  • 366 days until the final day of the 2018 Utah Legislature (3/8/2018)
  • 610 days until the 2018 midterm elections (11/6/2018)
  • 1337 days until the 2020 presidential election (11/3/2020)

Today's political TL;DR -

  • SCOOP! Lawmakers will spend $35 million on programs to help the homeless this year, which is 3x more than what they originally thought [Utah Policy].
  • Legislators abandon the plan to restore the sales tax on food after the numbers had shown it would not have the effect they thought it would [Utah Policy, Tribune, Deseret News].
  • The plan for $1 billion in bonds to fund transportation needs has a few extra projects tucked inside [Utah Policy].
  • A Senate committee kills a bill to use Ranked Choice Voting in primary elections in Utah. The proposal was another casualty in the fight between lawmakers and the Utah GOP over SB54 [Utah Policy].
  • Lawmakers consider, then reject a resolution that said Utah should recognize climate change is occurring [Utah Policy]. 
  • Rep. Jason Chaffetz says he hasn't seen any evidence that would support President Donald Trump's claim that he was wiretapped by the Obama administration [Utah Policy]. Rep. Chris Stewart says he thinks there must be some basis for Trump to make such an explosive allegation [Deseret News]. Other Republicans are having a hard time coming to the president's defense over his wiretapping claims [Politico].
  • An analysis shows about a quarter of proposed bills on Utah's Capitol Hill pose a conflict of interest for their sponsors [Tribune].
  • Lawmakers quickly pass legislation to provide another $100 million for construction of the new prison [Deseret News, Tribune].
  • The Utah Air Quality Board wants Gov. Gary Herbert to veto legislation to bar the state from regulating the use of wood burning to cook food [Tribune].
  • Congressional Republicans unveil their plan to replace Obamacare with something that looks a lot like Obamacare [New York Times].
  • President Trump signs a new, scaled-down version of his travel ban that the White House hopes will survive legal scrutiny this time around [Wall Street Journal].
  • Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson inexplicably described African slaves as "immigrants" during a speech on Monday. The comparison brought a swift backlash [New York Times].

On this day in history:

  • 1936 - Adolf Hitler ordered German troops into the Rhineland, breaking the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact.
  • 1965 - Hundreds of civil rights marchers trying to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala., were turned back by state troopers and sheriff's deputies. Dozens of people were beaten and injured in what became known as "Bloody Sunday." Marchers voluntarily turned around on a ceremonial walk to the bridge two days later and, on March 21, with protection by federal and National Guard troops, the main Selma-to-Montgomery march began.
  • 1975 - The Senate revised its filibuster rule, allowing 60 senators to limit debate in most cases, instead of the previously required two-thirds of senators present.
  • 1985 - "We Are the World," a song composed by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie and recorded by a series of high-profile music stars was released worldwide with the goal of generating funds for the USA for Africa charity. The song and related promotions eventually raised about $63 million.




Today At Utah Policy

Lawmakers will spend $35 million on aid for homeless in 2017
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
No one can say that the Legislature – led by the GOP House and Senate leaders – didn’t stand up for Utah’s homeless this session, and put tens of millions of dollars toward their rehabilitation efforts....

A few 'extras' are tucked into the highway bond bill
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
The $1 billion road bond proposal is supposed to fund projects already determined by UDOT, but that doesn't mean there aren't a few other projects tucked into the bill....

Lawmakers are abandoning effort to restore sales tax on food in 2017 (updated)
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
Putting the state sales tax back on food, at least for now, is dead on Capitol Hill....

Proposed resolution says Utah should recognize climate change is happening (updated)
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
Resolutions in the Utah Legislature usually don’t mean much....

Senate committee kills Ranked Choice Voting proposal
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
On a 3-3 tie vote, a Senate committee killed a Democratic-backed election reform proposal to implement Ranked Choice Voting for municipal and primary elections....

Chaffetz says he hasn't heard evidence that supports Trump's wiretapping claims
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz said Monday morning that he has not heard of any evidence that would support President Donald Trump's claim that he was wiretapped by the Obama administration....

Policy News

EDCUtah creates two new positions in effort to be more data driven
The Economic Development Corporation of Utah, under the leadership of newly appointed CEO Theresa Foxley, is committed to becoming a more data-driven organization....


Press release: Utah business leaders cite concerns with border adjustment tax
Utah business leaders are speaking out against the Border Adjustment Tax, with its potential to increase prices on everyday items such as food, clothing, and gasoline.  ...


Press release: Hatch introduces resolutions to rollback burdensome retirement regulations
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) introduced two resolutions, S.J.Res. 32 and S.J.Res. 33, to undo regulations imposed by the Obama Administration that encourage states to place retirement mandates on employers and small business job creat...

Local Headlines


Salt Lake Tribune

Editorial: New travel ban is much less terrible, but still a bad idea

Homeless funding bill empowers state to override city in picking Salt Lake County shelter site

Chaffetz: 'I have not seen anything' to support Trump's wiretap allegations

Food-tax hike is dead in Utah's Legislature

Rolly: Swallow's acquittal more of an indictment of Utah's political culture

Lawmakers sideline secret shopper plan for Utah liquor stores

Air board seeks Utah governor's veto for first time in a decade

House steps into Utah prep sports debate, pushes for transparency by UHSAA

House OKs plan to limit 'surprise billing' for medical emergencies

Need a neck massage? Ask your barber

Bill advances to allow quicker release of police body camera videos

Lawmakers quickly draft, pass bill for $100 million more for new state prison

Resurrected school truancy bill dies again in the Utah Senate

Committee kills bill to tax counties statewide to support Salt Lake shelters

Bill advances to allow voters to make their voting records private

Mormon leader Dallin Oaks points to 'aggressive' Trump, climate change as 'big worries'

House OKs resolution calling for state to acquire Bears Ears

Hatch applauds Trump's new travel ban; Chaffetz calls order 'a good move'

Shurtleff slaps agents with misconduct complaint

Deseret News

Op-ed: Why I am running for Congress

Editorial: Town halls are an essential forum for citizens and government representatives

Air quality board asks for veto on outdoor cooking bill

Bill would eliminate home confinement as sentencing option for most DUIs

School testing, accountability bill moves forward despite concerns about letter grades

Bill exempts coverage for 'reckless' behavior in search and rescues

Lawmakers reject proposal to raise age for tobacco use

Utah is known for this job more than any other state

Bill authorizing $1 billion in transportation bonding passes Senate

Utah may join national crime prevention compact

Former Utah Senate president calls alcohol reform proposal 'bad bill'

Senate committee advances Utah Public Lands Act

Legislature passes bill allowing massages during haircuts

Senate again defeats bill to nix criminal penalties for parents of truant children

Lawmakers divided on Utah's environmental message

House passes bill that alters operations of Utah High School Activities Association

Senate passes amended gas tax

Bill adding 'targeting' an officer to aggravated murder statute passes House

Bill to expedite release of body-camera footage clears House

House slams brakes on proposed California-style motorcycle law

Will Bears Ears National Monument get funded?

Bill would give state, Salt Lake County leaders power to choose homeless shelter site

Lawmakers rush through bill to allow $100 million more for new prison

Deal to restore sales tax on food falls apart

New travel ban 'cruel' and will further harm refugees, Utah agencies say

Rep. Chris Stewart says Trump's wiretapping claim not from 'thin air'


Senate committee passes bill to accelerate transportation projects, possibly including I-15 (Daily Herald)

Op-ed: Utah regulation reform is a positive for local businesses (Standard-Examiner)

Ogden advocates, those in need express relief after food tax hike plan fizzles (Standard-Examiner)

National Headlines

House Republicans Unveil Plan to Replace Health Law (New York Times)

4 GOP senators demand to keep Obamacare Medicaid expansion (Politico)

Putin spokesman: 'Hysteria' hurting U.S.-Russia relations (Politico)

Trump Wants to Give States More Medicaid Power. This Is What They May Do With It. (Governing)

Trump makes key changes to travel ban (The Hill)

Trump Cheers Exxon's Plan to Create 45,000 Jobs (FOX Business)

Supreme Court Won't Hear Major Case on Transgender Rights (New York Times)

Trump Tells Planned Parenthood Its Funding Can Stay if Abortion Goes (New York Times)

TSA quietly launches new 'enhanced' pat-down procedure (Los Angeles Times)

Trump advisor: 'Free, fair and reciprocal' trade deals are priority (USA Today)

'Trump effect' settles down gun sales to normal pace (Washington Examiner)

Wise Words

"The duty of government is to leave commerce to its own capital and credit as well as all other branches of business, protecting all in their legal pursuits, granting exclusive privileges to none." Andrew Jackson

Lighter Side

Obamacare Replacement
"Apparently, House Republicans are keeping their Obamacare replacement bill hidden in a basement in Congress, and other lawmakers can't get to it. Then Nicolas Cage was like, "Don't worry, you guys - I got this! I gotta break through the dome and find the hidden treasure!" Jimmy Fallon