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Hatch says he's running for an 8th term. Your Friday morning political briefing from

Friday, March 10, 2017 - 10:00am
Utah Policy

Local News Highlights: Daily Briefing

Morning must reads for Friday, March 10, 2017

Good Friday morning from Salt Lake City. Today is the 69th day of the year. There are 296 days remaining in 2017.

Utah Lawmakers put the wraps on the 2017 session. Gov. Gary Herbert says he's eager to tackle tax reform. Sen. Orrin Hatch says he's running for re-election in 2018.

The clock:

  • 19 days until the last day Governor Gary Herbert can sign or veto bills (3/29/2017)
  • 71 days until the Utah Republican State Convention (5/20/2017)
  • 99 days until the Utah Democratic State Convention at Weber State University (6/17/2017)
  • 242 days until the 2017 municipal elections (11/7/2017)
  • 318 days until the opening day of the 2018 Utah Legislature (1/22/2018)
  • 363 days until the final day of the 2018 Utah Legislature (3/8/2018)
  • 607 days until the 2018 midterm elections (11/6/2018)
  • 1334 days until the 2020 presidential election (11/3/2020)

Today's political TL;DR -

  • Lawmakers pass a record 535 bills during the 2017 session. Here's a rundown of what they did (and didn't) do over the last 45 days [Utah Policy].
  • The final budget bill passed in the last hours of the 2017 session. Lawmakers found $78 million to fund many last-minute spending projects [Utah Policy].
  • Gov. Gary Herbert says he's eager to tackle tax reform in the coming year [Utah Policy]. Here's the video of our interview with Gov. Herbert to wrap up the 2017 session [Utah Policy]. And, if you ever wanted to see Gov. Herbert sing the SpongeBob SquarePants theme song, here's your chance [Utah Policy].
  • House Minority Leader Brian King is not happy that Republicans tried to overhaul Utah's tax system this year without bringing Democrats into the discussions [Utah Policy].
  • Bob Bernick praises lawmakers for moving some "big rocks" during the 2017 session [Utah Policy].
  • Lawmakers approve letting young adults between 18 and 20 get a concealed carry permit [Tribune].
  • A bill to strengthen Utah's ban on polygamy snuck through the legislature in the final hours of the 2017 session [Tribune].
  • Sen. Orrin Hatch says he plans to run for re-election in 2018 at the urging of President Donald Trump, but his office quickly tried to walk those comments back [Utah Policy, Deseret News, Tribune].
  • Salt Lake County officials are preparing to unveil five potential sites for a new homeless resource center sometime in the next few days. Mayor Ben McAdams promises that the final selection process will be open and transparent [Utah Policy].
  • Data shows Rep. Jason Chaffetz's constituents have some of the highest usages of Obamacare in the nation. 6.2% of his constituents use the ACA, and 89% of those get federal subsidies for healthcare [Utah Policy].
  • Former Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff is suing the state for $1.1 million claiming current A.G. Sean Reyes interfered with the dismissal of the case against him [Tribune, Deseret News]. 
  • Former Attorney General John Swallow, who was acquitted on public corruption charges, wants the state to pay his legal bills [Tribune].
  • Even though he just accepted the job as U.S. ambassador to Russia, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman won't rule out a run for U.S. Senate against Orrin Hatch in 2018 [Tribune].
  • Congressional Republicans move forward with their plan to dismantle and replace Obamacare while leaders try to mitigate backlash against the plan [Washington Post].
  • Washington State is the latest to join the legal fight against President Trump's revised travel ban executive order [Wall Street Journal].
  • Will Mexico pay for President Trump's wall on the southern border? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said bluntly, "Uh, no" [Politico].
  • Here we go again. The Treasury Department warns Congress that the debt limit will need to be raised fairly soon [Washington Post].

On this day in history:

  • 1496 - Christopher Columbus concluded his second visit to the Western Hemisphere as he left Hispaniola for Spain.
  • 1862 - The U.S. Treasury issued "legal tender notes" in denominations from $5 to $1,000, the first U.S. paper money.
  • 1876 - The first successful voice transmission over Alexander Graham Bell's telephone took place in Boston as his assistant heard Bell say, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you."
  • 1985 - Konstantin Chernenko, Soviet leader for just 13 months, died at age 73.




Today At Utah Policy

Lawmakers put the wraps on a fairly quiet 45 days
By Bob Bernick and Bryan Schott
The 2017 Utah Legislature ended Thursday night, more with a whimper than a bang....

Lawmakers sweep the corners to fund the final spending bill of 2017
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
It’s always fun (not really) to read through the final budget bill of each session – the so-called “Bill of Bills” -- which balances out budgets and passes the session’s last night....

Herbert eager to tackle tax reform
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Gov. Gary Herbert is pleased that lawmakers were able to significantly boost funding for public education and public safety this year, but he's ready to move ahead with tax reform once lawmakers are done....

King irked Legislative Democrats were shut out of the tax reform discussion in 2017
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Rep. Brian King says tax reform is a pressing issue for lawmakers, but he's bothered that Democrats were shut out of the process this year....

2017 Legislative wrap-up: Bernick and Schott on politics #320
By Bryan Schott and Bob Bernick
This week we wrap up the 2017 Utah Legislature with Gov. Gary Herbert....

Bob Bernick's Notebook: Moving the 'Big rocks'
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
This was the 37th year I’ve reported on the Utah Legislature....

Podcast: Bernick and Schott on Politics #320
By Bryan Schott and Bob Bernick
Bob Bernick and Bryan Schott run down the week that was in Utah politics....

Gov. Gary Herbert sings the SpongeBob SquarePants theme song (video)
By Bob Bernick and Bryan Schott
We found out that Gov. Gary Herbert loves to watch SpongeBob SquarePants with his grandchildren so naturally, we got him to sing the show's theme song with us....

Hatch plans to run for an 8th term in 2018
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Well, this really shouldn't shock anyone. Sen. Orrin Hatch confirmed on Thursday that he is planning to run for an 8th term in 2018....

Weekly survey: The best and worst of the 2017 Utah Legislature
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
What do you think were the best and worst things done by the 2017 Utah Legislature? Let us know what you think in our weekly survey....

Salt Lake County zeroing in on 5 potential sites for new homeless facility
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Salt Lake County officials are working at a breakneck pace to select the site for a 4th homeless resource center by the end of the month....

Chaffetz among Republicans with the most constituents relying on Obamacare
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Rep. Jason Chaffetz may want to think long and hard about what goes into the GOP-sponsored replacement for Obamacare. That's because he's among the House Republicans with the most constituents using the Affordable Care Act....

Policy News


Casual Friday: Weekend Events & Outdoors Report
Outdoor Notes-- Tribune: Get jigging for walleye in Utah with this free seminar -- Tribune: Plenty of time to still hit the slopes as Utah ski resorts set closing dates -- Tribune: Celebrate the arrival of migrating swans in Utah Weekend EventsNew Films-- Kedi: Tribune revie...

Local Headlines


Salt Lake Tribune

Editorial: Herbert should veto wood-cooking bill

#utleg last-night recap: Anti-polygamy bill squeaks through Utah Senate in final minutes

Park service, local governments decry oil and gas leasing near Zion

Hatch says he'll seek an eighth term, his office walks it back

Shurtleff sues state for at least $1.1M, alleges Utah A.G. Sean Reyes interfered in his case

Rolly: Ah, those conflicts of interest - they're as common on Utah's Capitol Hill as hallway lobbyists and backroom deals

Public input invited for developing old prison site

Utah liquor overhaul includes increased prices, Zion Curtain options, stricter DUI standard

Utah lawmakers call for mandatory rape-kit testing, victim confidentiality on college campuses

Swallow will ask state to pay his legal tab

Utah lawmakers take aim at Bears Ears, ask for Trump's help

Even after ambassador news, Jon Huntsman won't rule out a Senate run

Gun law tweaks allow young adults to get a concealed carry permit

Utah teachers see give-and-take during legislative session

Tax reform fireworks produce smoke, no flames

Utah's $16B budget boosts school spending, state worker wages, Medicaid growth

Homelessness front and center during 2017 session

Anti-polygamy bill squeaks through Utah Senate at 11th hour

Some of the best quotes from the 2017 Legislature

Big issues at Legislature often handled out of public sight

Deseret News

Op-ed: Equal pay in Utah is a must

Lawmakers remove requirement for vehicle safety inspections

Bill puts state in charge of presidential primaries to avoid 'organized chaos'

Will Kathryn Allen really run against Chaffetz? Here's what she told the national media

Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch planning to run for eighth term

Lawmakers order deregulation for food trucks

Lawmakers strike in fight against pollution, Bears Ears and public lands

It was a kinder, gentler legislative session for education in Utah

County, city leaders praise Legislature for 'bold and bipartisan' action on homelessness

Alcohol-related bills mean decisions for Utah restaurants, drinkers

Health topics remained controversial for Utah lawmakers throughout 2017 session

Lawmakers approve concealed firearms for 18-year-olds

Shurtleff claims A.G. Sean Reyes thwarted his right to attorneys' fees in criminal case

2017 Utah Legislature ending without tax reform, but with action on other key issues

LDS leader speaks out on marriage at forum with archbishop of New York, rabbi


Flurry of activity on Utah Legislature's last day of session (Daily Herald)

National Headlines

U.S. Consumer Comfort Just Reached Its Highest Level in a Decade (Bloomberg)

U.S. Household Net Worth Reaches Record $92.8 Trillion (Wall Street Journal)

McConnell: Tax reform unlikely by August (The Hill)

Trump Says Privately Second Healthcare Bill Ready as Early as Next Week (FOX News)

Comey visits the Hill amid tension over Trump's wiretapping allegations (Washington Post)

Is Trump Being Investigated? 'No Comment,' Justice Dept. Says (New York Times)

Democrats Who Support Neil Gorsuch Will Pay A Price, Progressive Groups Warn (Huffington Post)

On 'A Day Without a Woman,' it's business as usual for most (Washington Times)

Trump promised $1 trillion for infrastructure, but the estimated need is $4.5 trillion (Washington Post)

Treasury calls on Congress to raise debt limit, begins steps to delay default (Washington Post)

Trump tiptoes toward bipartisan outreach (Politico)

Wise Words

"The proper words in the proper places are the true definition of style." Jonathan Swift

Lighter Side

Taco Bell
"Taco Bell has announced that it is creating a hybrid of its Quesalupas and Doritos Locos Tacos, called the Doritos Quesalupa Crunch. Of course, if you can say that, you're probably not drunk enough to eat it." Seth Meyers