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State and National

Congress' Inaction on Trump's Agenda Costs America Nearly 1,000 Jobs Per Day

June 28, 2017

Good morning from Washington, where Republicans haven't got much to show five months into the Trump administration. Here's how to get moving, Ed Feulner writes. Terrorism claims more victims in Europe and won't be stopped soon, an expert testifies before a House panel. Rachel del Guidice reports. A whistleblower tells Sharyl Attkisson how the Obama administration targeted him. Plus: Drew Gonshorowski on what the GOP health care bill would do to premiums, and Andrea Mrozek on how Canada punishes parents for not getting on the transgenderism bandwagon.

Updates from Senator Lee

Sen. Lee Comments on Delayed Healthcare Vote


WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) released the following statement Wednesday after a procedural vote on the Better Care Reconciliation Act was delayed:


Updates from Senator Hatch

Hatch Statement on Secretary Perry’s Energy Development Remarks


Washington, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, issued the following statement on Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s remarks about American energy development: 


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June 7th, 2017 - Austin, TX - Emily Bell & The Talkbacks will be heading out on tour this summer. The tour kicks off in San Antonio, TX and continues throughout the west including cities like Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Austin. Check out the full list of tour dates below -


The United Utah Party, Gary Ott and GOP healthcare failure. Your Wednesday morning political briefing from

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Study Finds New Drug Reduces Transplant & Mortality Rates in Patients with Hepatitis C

SALT LAKE CITY, UT, USA , June 28, 2017 / -- Patients with hepatitis C who suffer from advanced stages of liver disease have renewed hope, thanks to findings by researchers who have discovered that a new drug significantly reduces their risk of death and need for transplantation.

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SysTools Inc., Leader in Email Forensics Announces the Availability of their Team Platform for MailXaminer Product

SysTools Software, Inc. today announced the availability of Team version 1.0 of their well-recognized email forensic software MailXaminer.

Updates from Organizations - Government agencies - Advertise Various Artists

SysTools Inc., Leader in Email Forensics Announces the Availability of their Team Platform for MailXaminer Product

SysTools Software, Inc. today announced the availability of Team version 1.0 of their well-recognized email forensic software MailXaminer.

Special Medal available to American Veterans of the Second World War

Since 2014 the government of France has been awarding their highest medal, the Legion of Honor to veterans that fought to liberate France during the Second World War.

Christian Baker Fears Loss of 'Everything' Unless Supreme Court Upholds Right Not to Make Cakes for Gay Marriages

June 27, 2017


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