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State and National

Updates From Senator Lee's Office

February 16th, 2017


Sens. Lee, Paul Introduce Military Humanitarian Operations Act


WASHINGTON – Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced the Military Humanitarian Operations Act today, a bill previously introduced by Sen. Lee and former Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) in 2012. The Military Humanitarian Operations Act would require the president to receive congressional authorization before ordering the United States military on a humanitarian mission where hostilities are anticipated. 


Updates from Utah Gov, Organizations & other new things

‘When Life Hurts’ shares experiences of pain in solidarity with others

Amber Sirstad, M.A, announces publication of her first book

Updates From Senator Hatches Office

Hannah C. Smith: Sen. Hatch is key to Gorsuch's confirmation


Hannah C. Smith twice clerked at the U.S. Supreme Court for Justices Thomas and Alito. She is a senior counsel at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. 


4 Broken Obamacare Promises That Town Hall Protesters Should Remember

Feb. 16, 2017

Good morning from Washington, where conservatives say they're closer to agreeing how to replace Obamacare. Melissa Quinn has the story. If recalling four broken promises may inspire them, Jean Morrow obliges. Russia challenges President Trump on the nuclear weapons front, Michaela Dodge writes, while Josh Siegel covers Defense Secretary James Mattis' remarks on how much skin NATO has in the game. And Fred Lucas reports that U.S.-Israeli relations appear better already.

Morning must reads for Thursday, February 16, 2017

Updates from Utah Gov - Organizations



SALT LAKE CITY (Feb. 6, 2017) — State Representative Timothy Hawkes (R-Centerville) was given the Champion of Term Limits Award from U.S. Term Limits for his tireless work to pass legislation limiting the terms of members of Congress.


Updates from Utah Gov - Organizations

The Utah Nonprofits Association (UNA) announced today that it has concerns about proposed federal legislation (H.R. 172, H.R. 781, and S.264) that would politicize charitable nonprofits. Current law prevents charitable nonprofits from engaging in partisan, election-related activities. The proposed legislation would alter this longstanding federal law that protects charitable nonprofits and foundations – and the donating public – by allowing this type of political activity.


Updates From Senator Hatches Office

Hatch Unveils Innovation Agenda for the 115th Congress

Washington, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the Chairman of the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force, rolled out his innovation agenda for the 115th Congress during a special event today at the United States Capitol. 



On working with the President on key tech issues


Morning must reads for Wednesday, February 15, 2017

House Conservatives Draw Hard Line on Obamacare Repeal Bill

Feb. 15, 2017


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