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Box Elder High


Monday, March 12


 Color Guard Practice



 Drill Team Tryouts



 Wrestling Banquet



 Boys Freshman Baseball @ Viewmont High School



 BCPD Training



 Drill Team Parent Meeting



 3rd grade basketball rental


Tuesday, March 13


Box Elder Schools

Box Elder Schools

Box Elder School District Board of Education Board Meeting Minutes

Box Elder Schools

Perry City March Update

The 12th annual Perry City yard sale will be held Saturday May 19th. Perry City will provide maps and advertising for this event. There is no charge for participating in the community-wide yard sale. Sales should begin at 8am and go to at least 12 noon. To add a location to the list of yard sales, call Tom Peterson at 435-723-3987 before May 17th.   Last year there were over 75 participants.

Willard School Update

ast month I posted (in Willard Residents) about a fundraiser that we (The Body Shop Gym) were doing with Willard Elementary. When I was approached by Amber Morrill to help with this, I must admit I was a little skeptical. I mean, let's be honest. Candy bars and a gym membership are on two different levels of commitment. Well, I'm happy to announce that it was a success. Because of you, we are happy to announce that we will be giving Willard Elementary a check for $650! Most of that is from new member sign ups.

Three Mile Creek Elementary - Update

Students of the Month.


We were able to give $800 in books to library. Thanks to everyone that supports our amazing teachers and school!!!

Three Mile Creek Elementary - Update

Perry Planning Commision - updated documents


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