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Trouble Ahead

Monday, March 1, 2010 - 5:15pm
Captain James Green

We are being warned by many that America is on the cusp of impending financial collapse. Like it or not, believe it or not... the USA IS in "big" trouble!

We must be realistic in approaching the serious problems we have.  Unless citizens wake up to what is actually happening, we are headed for more than just a significant recession.

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The "portent of stormy weather" prophesied is upon us and we must act posthaste with real determination to change course away from the guaranteed failure of socialist welfare entitlement give-away programs and irresponsible spending. We're doomed if we don't.

We can do it, but it will require all Americans to inform themselves adequately and vote according to proper principle--- not for who promises the most. The Constitution contains the answers if we would just get back to following it.

This is not fringe "right wing" philosophy, as some claim... it is rational patriotic principle-based logic.

Our politicians are not solving the crisis, they're only making it worse. It's up to us to demand that they do the right thing for our country--- not the most expedient thing for their political careers. It's going to take great sacrifice by all, and these sacrifices must start coming immediately.

I love my country and I fear for it more now than ever in my lifetime.

Captain James C. Green 858 Michie Ln Midway, UT 84049 801-636-9903
