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Dear Editor

Tuesday, December 10, 2019 - 10:15am
Michael W. Jarvis

Dec. 1, 2019


I guess there is no putting the queer genie back into its closet, but there was a lesson to be learned from letting it wear a Boy Scout uniform that didn't take.


Parents have the God-given responsibility to protect the children He entrusts to them, as best they can, from destructive influences like drugs, alcohol, tobacco, premarital sex and homosexuality.


Allowing the sex offending LGBT lobby to instruct in and promote acceptance of homosexuality to minors in public schools and the banning of conversion therapy, (the practice of trying to change an individual's sexual orientation from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual using psychological or spiritual interventions) is like letting drug cartels promote and educate children at school in the use of their drugs and lobby in behalf of drug pushers while banning parental interference.


Parents are the first and the last line of defense for their children when society's institutions succumb to undue special  interest influence or even duress.  Since spiritual intervention is considered conversion therapy, Christianity itself could effectively be banned with no right to assemble or proselytize for converts and children required to report parental interference with the LGBT agenda.


Signing onto the banning of conversion therapy is acceptance of the myth that those that practice homosexual sex are born with a homosexual orientation.  Empower parents, not the LGBT.  Parents can choose whether or not to subject their child to conversion therapy consistent with the notions of freedom and parental authority. Parents have the best interest of the child at heart and create what the LGBT (Love Gone Bad Today) can only usurp and destroy.



Michael W Jarvis

Salt Lake City, Utah   


cc: Governor Gary Herbert

      President Russell M. Nelson


