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Signs of Excessive Stress

Monday, February 12, 2018 - 11:30am
Dawn Scothern / newsletters / working women

Signs of Excessive Stress


We all have a lot more stress in our lives than we can sometimes handle, such as, trying to balance work life with family life. This can be very straining on the body. In many cases, people experience aches and pains and sometimes get sick. This is normal, but if something is constantly bothersome, you shouldn’t ignore it. There are signs that will indicate your body is stressed.

It’s not easy to live a balanced life. The way it seems my life goes is more like Newton’s Third Law states, “anything that can happen will happen.” At our home, we try to live by a routine.  It’s essential to take interest in how the body works, because it will help you when the body is telling you something is wrong.

Here are eight important signs your body is overstressed.

Weight Change: In certain situations, it can be difficult to manage your weight. Even a proper diet and exercise sometimes fail. If you experience an intense or traumatic situation, your body will increase the production of cortisol. This hormone is what stabilizes the fats and carbohydrates. It also supports your sugar levels in the bloodstream. If too much of this hormone is produced, you will eat more and produce less testosterone. This means the body will burn less calories and you will gain weight.

Under the Weather: Stress causes the body to produce excessive cortisol, chronic stress causes the immune system to become sensitive to cortisol. This results in an increase in inflammation and a higher risk of the body becoming sick.

Stomach Disorders: Research has proven that chronic stress can have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract. The reason this occurs is that stress causes the muscles to tire out and squeeze the organs. Medicines can help reduce the pain, but in order fully get rid of it, you need to figure out what is triggering your anxiety. If you get rid of the anxiety, then the issue is no longer caused by stress.

You Can’t Focus: In order to focus on your daily tasks, your mind needs to be clear of negativity. Stress will cause you to lose track of tasks at hand because you’re only focusing on your problems. If you find that this is occurring, try to deal with your stress before certain activities.

Your Hair Is Falling Out: There has been a myth that stress can cause you to lose hair. This is no longer a myth. Research shows that chronic stress can cause your hair to fall out. This is because stress triggers what is called Telogen Effluvium. This is when stress causes hair roots to go into resting state. Don’t jump to conclusions though. Hair loss can also be genetic, so it would be best to speak to your doctor.

Constant Headaches: A headache can be caused by many different things. You could be sleeping wrong, you could be suffering from osteochondritis, or your blood pressure might be too high or low. Headaches could also be caused by chronic stress. This is because there are muscle contractions in the head and neck region. Your head will continue to pound as long as your body is stressed.

Trouble Sleeping: This is one of the easiest signs that your body is stressed. Stress can cause insomnia for some people. They are worried about so many things that they can’t find time to sleep. With a lack of sleep, they can’t perform properly at work, and when they come home they might be cranky which can lead to family issues. Sleeping pills are a temporary solution, but once they stop working, it might be time to try and get rid of your stress.
