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Dear Editor, Our Nation

Thursday, November 13, 2014 - 10:30am

Dear Editor

It is appalling to me how few people understand that Federal Laws are not superior to State laws. We are all dual-citizens... of our own State and the USA.

When our nation was founded as a Republic, the States were very careful not to create a behemoth that could take power away from them. So they made the States sovereign over the Federal Government that they created. It is still that way today.

Basically the only areas the Federal Government has jurisdiction in are National Defense and Interstate Commerce. The Supremacy Clause ONLY applies to those areas and not generally to all other laws.

The States absolutely have the right to determine their own laws and no Federal District Judge has the authority to overturn voter approved initiatives like has been done in Utah after the proper passage of the traditional marriage act.

State officials should tell the judge who overturned our law, that he can't do that, and we will not comply with his edict. Judges CANNOT legislate from the bench. There can never be a national vote on gay-marriage, because the national government has no jurisdiction in such cases. That purely belongs to each State.

If States don't start standing up for their right to remain sovereign over the Federal Government we will continue to see an erosion of our rights. Governor Herbert should have told the Federal District Court to take a hike and get out of our affairs!

Citizens need to be better educated on this critically important matter. Those who don't understand it obviously have not even read the US Constitution. And if we allow such abuse to continue we can kiss our freedom goodbye.

 James Green
