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All federal legislation dealing with taxation

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 - 5:00pm
Glen Terrell

February 3, 2013

Dear Editor:

All federal legislation dealing with taxation MUST ORIGINATE within the House Ways and Means committee.  The chairman of that committee, Mr. Dave Camp, has said “There will be significant changes in the tax code in 2013 …” This is very important to all Americans.  All citizens have an opportunity to influence that legislation for the better IF they are well informed on the subject and properly motivated!

Paul Livingston and I are both advocates of the FairTax system which, if adopted, would replace the income tax.  We don’t wish to deceive anyone, only ensure the TRUTH about taxation in America is presented in an honest and straight forward manner.  We are strictly non-partisan and have no political party interests to protect or present.  Our interests are only to seek what is best for our country and our fellow citizens. 

Toward that end, we are offering a weekly series of op-ed pieces on taxation in America; its history, the good, the bad and the ugly.  There will be NO COST to your newspaper.  We will continue to offer the series for AT LEAST 8 WEEKS.  If the series proves beneficial to your readers we will continue the series beyond the 8 weeks.  The plan is to begin the series the second week in February.  A list of possible titles follows:

1.      Why real/true tax reform is needed?  This will be the subject of the first piece in the series.

2.      The fundamentals of taxation.

3.      The 5 principles of tax reform.

4.      The myth of corporate taxes.

5.      Is our government willing to give up the income tax?

6.      What opportunities come with tax reform?

7.      What are hidden taxes?  Do we have them?  How much is it costing me?

8.      What does it take to cause an economic boom?

9.      Want a jobs program without new spending?

10.  Pay role taxes; the ugly, uglier and ugliest.

11.  Want a monthly tax refund?

12.  Who benefits from real/true tax reform?

13.  Who is hurt by teal/true tax reform?

14.  Continue with how taxes affect seniors, farmers, small business, young people, etc.


Warmest Regards,


Glen Terrell

Arlington, TX


