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Alteration of the Right To Work Law

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 - 5:15pm
Nicole Giles

Letter to the Editor:

Most Americans believe that being a decent and hardworking employee will provide a certain degree of job security, but that is a common misconception for those who live in a Right to Work state with an At Will Employment rule. As of now, you can be terminated without just cause despite your tenure or work ethic. Being employed in a Right to Work state shouldn't mean, as a worker, you have no rights. 

We are proposing an alteration of the Right To Work Law/ At Will Employment rule in Utah, so that employees cannot be terminated without sufficient cause after five consecutive years of employment with a company. 

Please sign our petition and promote fair rights for good employees in Utah.

To sign this petition, please visit:

Thank You,
Nicole Giles
Provo, Utah

