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Willard / South Willard June Updates

Friday, June 14, 2019 - 12:45pm
Dawn Scothern / Newsletters ect.

We want to Thank all those who made the trip up to the spring up the canyon with me who helped dig out the spring so we can capture more of the spring water! 


Thanks to Mayor Kenny Braegger, Jacob Bodily and his two boys (Jackson and Easton), Ryan Talbot and daughter, step son, and friend (Brinley, Trevan Winters, Keyan Milner), Clyde Westley, Robert Ratdke, Mike Wetzel, Wynn Zundel (not all are in the pictures)!

The filing period for the 2019 Willard City Municipal Election closed June 7, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. The following individuals filed as candidates:

For City Council - 4 year term (3 positions available)

John R. Seamons

Mark D. Mackley

Fred Ward


Kaleb Kunzler

Splash Pad Is Now Open!

Public Works wanted the community to be aware that the splash pad is now open to the public! Location is on the 600 East side of John Adams Park. Water is on from 9AM to 9PM. We hope you enjoy your summer season at the pad!




4th of July volunteers needed The theme this year is “Only in America!”  The Patriotic program will be held on July 2nd. If you are interested in participating, contact Marjorie Ross (435730-0465) or the Willard City Offices 435-743-9881   For a vendor booth, please sign up at the city offices during office hours.  Cost will be $20 a booth.  Join the Parade!!! Plan now to get your business or family together to be a part of the parade!    There is always a need for volunteers who can give just a couple of hours on the 4th to help with a kid's game. If you can do that, please contact Marjorie Ross 435-730-0465.  If you want to help in anyway, with breakfast, be on the stage show, donate bingo prizes, etc., or just have questions, please contact Terry Ross (435-740-0889), Marjorie Ross (435-730-0465) or the Willard city offices at (435734-9881). 


Willard Nature Park – Keep Safe Stay Back! With the spring water runoff please use extreme caution while at the debris basin and other bodies of water. The water may look like it is not moving fast but is moving fast enough to move large boulders and debris. There are also siphon tubes under the water and if you fall in can cause you to become trapped under the water.  Please refrain from throwing sticks and rocks into the ponds as they clog up the grates.  Also please do not drop off any animals (ducks, geese, turtles etc.) at the ponds. If they are domestic animals they have no way to survive the different seasons and frozen pond.

