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Something’s Gotta Give

Monday, July 15, 2019 - 1:00pm
John Kushma

Right?  Anymore, America seems like an accident waiting to happen.  The White House is a looney bin, our president ‘Goldfinger’ is certifiably nuts, the country has lost its direction, the world is laughing at us, the Democratic Party is tearing itself apart, the Republican Party is the Devil’s own flagship.


Something's gotta give.  Just ask Frank Sinatra ... 


So how does ‘something’s gotta give’ look like in political America? 


Where do I start?  Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democratic Party and Speaker of the House, third in line to the presidency, is cat-fighting with firebrand freshman congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over race issues and issues of age and generation.  Pelosi is 79 years old, AOC is 29.  That’s a double generation gap, Pelosi is old enough to be AOC’s grandmother.  This conflict can be either good or bad. 


“The Squad” as they have been called, the new crop of freshman congresswomen with AOC their leader, are calling out Pelosi claiming that she is “targeting” women of color in a negative way.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 29, (D-New York), Rep. Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, 37, (D-Minnesota), Rep. Rshida Talib, 42, (D-Michigan), and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, 45, (D-Massachusetts) have all been outspoken on all and every issue and are becoming the new “lifeblood” of the Democratic party.  


These women are young, inexperienced in the ways of politics, of which Pelosi is a master and legend, and they are loaded for bear.  Talib was quoted as saying of Trump when the new Democratic house took over after the 2018 midterms, “We’re gonna impeach the motherf**ker.”  She was reprimanded by Pelosi and others in the House for her language, but at the same time lauded for her enthusiasm.  But the whole thing has gotten a little out of control. 


Meantime, the 20+ Democratic candidates for president are waging their own war against each other and unwittingly against the Democratic Party.  DNC Chairman Tom Perez needs to get this under control before his runaway Democratic train goes over the cliff and ‘President Goldfinger’ starts looking good for another four years. 


While Kamala Harris continues to body slam Democratic front runner Joe Biden over race semantics and busing issues of the 1970‘s, she is using up all the Democratic oxygen and credibility on non-issues relative to beating Trump next year, which should be the main goal of the Democratic Party.  Biden, is basically saying he had to work with segregationists in the House to get things done, not that he was a segregationist himself.  He has even apologized, unnecessarily, in my opinion, for his comments. 


Harris continues to bring up the issue saying that Biden is now trying to “rewrite history.”  Hey, Kamala!  Let’s not forget history, but let’s not live in it either.  Move on!  Accept Biden’s apology and get on with business.  You’re holding up the train. 


Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Harris and Bernie Sanders are in the fight of their lives for the presidency, while Buttigieg, Booker, O’Rourke and the rest are falling behind. 


Nobody wants to concede, everybody wants to win, but as the clock ticks down the only winner will be the incumbent contender Donald Trump, ‘President Goldfinger’, if the DNC doesn’t cull the herd and start pushing the candidate who can beat Trump.  So far, I don’t see any except for Biden and Harris. 


Something’s gotta give. 


While all the political drama and palace intrigue plays itself out here domestically taking up much of our media time and general awareness, distracting us, our foreign allies and adversaries are having thoughts of their own.  Mostly bad thoughts.  Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia all pose real threats to our freedom and democracy while President Goldfinger parties, dines, and dances with them thinking he is doing America a great service as leader of the free world, but in fact making a fool of himself and us as he tweets his way to the 2020 election kicking, screaming, insulting, and calling the Democrats and his own Republican Party dissidents names like a nasty schoolyard bully.  Our allies are agape!


I mean, what more do you need to draw a bead on Donald Trump in considering him for President of the United States?  For one thing, just look at the company he keeps, his ‘boy’s club‘ ...Jeffrey Epstein, Saudi Prince Mohammad bin Salman, Vladimir Putin, Paul Manafort, Kim Jong-un, Roger Stone, son-in-law Jared Kushner ...all either creeps, international villains, crooks or sycophants. 


Trump is pushing America to the edge.  We’re set up for something to snap, and like a nuclear chain reaction that can’t be stopped, something’s gotta give.  And the Democrats are not helping their own cause by not focusing on their singular goal, which is to beat ‘President Goldfinger‘ in 2020.  In fact, they should try to impeach him sooner because it will be easier to beat Pence. 


Healthcare, climate, taxes, crime, immigration, education, economy, jobs, yeah yeah yeah, all great and important issues ...but we’ll never get there if the Democrats don’t beat Trump and win.  That’s the issue at hand.  They need a ringer.  A better actor and stronger life force than Trump.  A superstar. 


If not Biden or Harris, I’m thinking Michelle Obama and/or Oprah Winfrey. 


Something’s gotta give.                                                         



John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.
