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U.S. Supreme Court DACA CASE Inbox x

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 - 11:45am
Gary Koniz

Dear National Law Review:


Nos. 18-587, 18-588, and 18-589
In the Supreme Court of the United States
November 12, 2019

Thank you so much for your return reply.  Actually, if you could help out with an appeal from The National Law Review for a Supreme Court Ruling in clarifying these critical issues of U.S. American Sovereignty and U.S. Citizenship in Arguing the DACA/DAPA Case before the Supreme Court on November 12, 2019 to:


Noel J. Francisco - Counsel of Record
Solicitor General of The United States
Case Management Section
(202) 514-2217

The Solicitor General is the law officer below the attorney general in the US Department of Justice, responsible for arguing cases before the US Supreme Court.

This DACA Case is the most significant case of our times because it concerns and affects the foundation of American Citizenship and the American Way of Life:


The issue of Foreign Overrun, and Illegal Adverse Possession Foreign Occupation of this Country, needs to be legally resolved as to who is going to rule here.


Granting Amnesty Citizenship to hordes of Foreign Refugee Arrivals from Foreign Lands (without a formal understanding of American Sovereignty and Legal Birth Rights of Citizenship) undermines American Wages and Jobs, and Adversely Affects our Democratic Process of Majority Voting Arrangement, ultimately affecting our U.S. American Sovereignty and eventual Surrendering the United States Economy and its Military over to the Cessation of Foreign Rule and Domination.

I have included here some background information as attachments included in the Amicus Brief to the Solicitor General for you to review on the subjects at large.


•This dispute concerns the policy of immigration enforcement discretion known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).  In 2016, this Court affirmed, by an equally divided vote, a decision of the Fifth Circuit holding that two related Department of Homeland Security (DHS) discretionary enforcement policies, including an expansion of the DACA policy, were likely unlawful and should be enjoined.  See United States v. Texas, 136 S. Ct. 2271 (per curiam).  In September 2017, DHS determined that the original DACA policy was unlawful and would likely be struck down by the courts on the same grounds as the related policies.  DHS thus instituted an orderly wind-down of the DACA policy.  The questions presented are as follows: 1. Whether DHS’s decision to wind down the DACA policy is judicially reviewable. 2. Whether DHS’s decision to wind down the DACA policy is lawful.

•The Dispute also concerns DAPA or Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA), sometimes called Deferred Action for Parental Accountability, was a planned United States immigration policy to grant deferred action status to certain illegal immigrants who have lived in the United States since 2010 and have children who are either American citizens or lawful permanent residents. It was prevented from going into effect. Deferred action would not be legal status but would come with a three-year renewable work permit and exemption from deportation. DAPA was a presidential executive action, not a law passed by Congress. The program was announced in November 2014 by President Barack Obama. Several states filed lawsuits against the federal government, arguing that DAPA violates the Constitution and federal statutes. A temporary injunction was issued in February 2015, blocking the program from going into effect while the lawsuit proceeds. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed, and a U.S. Supreme Court 4–4 split decision in June 2016 effectively left the block in place.  On June 15, 2017, the Trump Administration announced the rescission of the DAPA order.


You are most kind to have responded.  Please let me know if there is anything further that I can do to assist you? 














Gary L. Koniz, J.D.

Journalist Correspondent

Veterans of the Vietnam War

Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives

4th Congressional District, Florida
Republican Liberty Caucus of Northeast Florida

9480 Princeton Square Blvd. S., #815

Jacksonville, FL  32256


Office (904) 730-2055
Cell  (904) 504-1652

Campaign For Congress 2016

Civil War

The Lonely Time

"How To Win In Court" is an Acclaimed Online Self-Study Course taught by

Renowned Attorney Dr. Frederick Graves On Case-Winning Procedure, Evidence
Rules, and Court Approved Tactics you have a right to use ... Without a Lawyer!  Public Legal Education Foundation

Keep America American! There Is a Big Difference Between What Is Freely Given
and What Is Forcibly Taken From.  As Long As Everyone Respects and Appreciates

Whose Sovereign Country This Is, Then Great and Noble Things Will Happen Here. 

Otherwise, It Is A Blood Line Drawn In The Sand That Can Never Be Challenged.

“United Labor Unifying The Nation Providing Jobs

And A Fair Cost Of Living Wage For The People"

The Right Formula for Peace and Prosperity in Our Time Calls

for an Appropriate Cost of Living Minimum Wage,a Fair Price
Cost Essentials Index Regulation, a Graduated Payroll Deducted
National Health Care Plan, and for Full Faith Fiat Issue To Fund
Government Services and Provide Public Employment; That Will
Generate the Consumer Purchasing Power We Need for Economic
Growth.  Our Country's Duty Is For the Well-Being of its People.



"That the Earth with All Its Life Abounding Exists in an Eternity of Infinite Time and Space

is a miracle beyond comprehension to behold.  Let us therefore, in realizing this, to govern
over ourselves accordingly, and to create a Model Society upon this Earth for the Entire World

to emulate.  Sophisticated Reasoning Is In Order Here:  In The End You Will Say, 'We Did It

Ourselves.' We Are The Ones Here To Make Those Moral Determinations Of Ethical Choice."

Thank you Mr. Koniz for reaching out and for thinking of the National Law Review. We appreciate you sending on the information contained in your two bullet points, but are unsure what action you are looking for us to take with this information.

Kindly advise how we can be of assistance.


The National Law Review

On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 1:58 PM National Law Review <> wrote:

Gary Koniz ( sent a message using the contact form at

Amicus Curiae Brief on behalf of The United States for the DACA Case before
the Supreme Court submitted on October 2nd 2019.  The Brief is in two parts:

1.  That the Court legally define and defend the Inviolable Sovereignty (in
its meaning of Heritage and Military Sovereignty from its inception) of the

European American United States (and as inclusive in Status Quo of its sheltered

minority citizens taken in from around the world,) in striking down the condoned

illegal foreign overrun being argued for.

2.  To legally define and clarify the wording of the 14th Amendment Section
1: Rights to U.S. American Citizenship clause: All persons born or
naturalized in the United States, (“and Subject To The Jurisdiction Of;“)
... to specifically exclude children born in the United States to criminally
illegal immigrants (in argument being that those children are subject to the
Jurisdictions of the Foreign Countries of their Illegally Arrived Parents),
as is pertinent to the DACA/DAPA resolution.

Thank you so very much for your kind assistance.


Gary L. Koniz, J.D.
Journalist Correspondent
Veterans of the Vietnam War
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives
4th Congressional District, Florida
Republican Liberty Caucus of Northeast Florida
9480 Princeton Square Blvd. S., #815
Jacksonville, FL  32256
Office (904) 730-2055

