The resurrected Lord has risen
No longer in his tomb
He has the power to deliver us
In his heart, there’s always room
He is the Promised Messiah
Helping me overcome sin
Death, trials and weaknesses
Will never, ever win
The Lamb of God lives!
And as his disciples here on earth
We must bear witness to the world
Of hope and joy and eternal life
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord
For he is The Way, the Bread of Life
The Redeemer and the Word
He loves us unconditionally
His message we have heard
Someday each of us will know
The truth the Savior shares
And exercise our faith in Him
Leaving behind our cares
For He has undergone all things
In the Garden of Gethsemane
He pleaded for us and atoned for us
Each one, individually
The glorious news is forever known
Across the continents
As we celebrate this Easter time
Remembering our deliverance
He Lives!