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Does Congressman Janson Chaffetz have the personal integrity and courage to Chair the Congressional House Oversight Committee?

Monday, March 20, 2017 - 12:45pm
Richard Lawless

March 20th, 2017


Does Congressman Janson Chaffetz have the personal integrity and

courage to Chair the Congressional House Oversight Committee?

Approximately 60 days ago, WWW.WallStFraud.Com made a detailed referral to Congressman Jason Chaffetz and the Oversight Committee regarding a $70 billion-dollar Wall Street Bond Fraud and strong evidence of an associated “pay to play” enterprise involving many members of the Congress and the Senate.

The Boston office of the Securities and Exchange told us that they found these allegations “very disturbing and concerning”. The SEC is currently investigating this matter.  The Anti-Trust Division of the FBI said they are “taking this matter seriously” and the Criminal and Securities Fraud Divisions of the FBI are also investigating.  In the allegations and criminal reports, it is claimed that bankrupt municipal agencies issued new bond debt they knew they couldn’t repay.  The agencies purchased fraudulent bond ratings from Moody’s, Fitch and S&P and then the major Wall Street Banks knowingly sold this junk debt to innocent bond buyers.

When the $70 billion dollars in bonds defaulted, Wall Street showered money on our Congressmen and Senators to prevent prosecution and secure favorable legislation.

Well know politicians such as Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren are at the center of this criminal conspiracy and Mr, Chaffetz does not have the stomach to investigate this matter.

Unbelievable, when Congressman Chaffetz was presented with a copy of the victims 60 sec TV commercial ( which does a fair job of explaining the basis of this complaint, thousands of pages of documentary evidence, which is also available to the public at ( and a 60 minute video of a press conference ( that summarizes the detailed SEC and FBI testimony, they were told to forward it to the Civilian office of Congressional Ethics (OCE).  There is only one problem, the OCE refers cases to the Congressional Oversight Committee, not the other way around.  It was the old “Washington Two Step”, defer, delay, oviscape and cover it up.


It was clear from speaking to the staff at Congressman Chaffetz’s office that they were concerned and frightened.  They wanted nothing to do with this.  It would blacklist Congressman Chaffetz or worse, if he were to submit this case to the Oversight Committee.

We need men and woman of good conscious and strong moral and ethically fiber.  Congressman Chaffetz has proven he has neither.

Richard Lawless is a former senior banker who has specialized in evaluating and granting debt for over 25 years. He has a Master’s Degree in Finance from the University of San Diego and Bachelor’s Degree from Pepperdine University. He sits on several Corporate Boards and actively writes for several finance publications.


Richard Lawless

30604 Southern Cross Road

Temecula, CA  92592










