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Dear Editor -

Friday, October 21, 2016 - 5:45pm

Dear Editor:                                       A Twelfth Letter to America

Well the last Presidential debate is over. But apparently “destroy Trump” is still the Lefties and some disgruntled republicans goal. So the twisting of his words and trashing him is still on and will probably last pass election day.

Hillary immediately said it was “horrific” that Trump would not agree to say he would concede if he lost.  The “horrific” word was immediately used by the ungodly news media against him.

But what should have been seen as “horrific” is the fact that Hillary adamantly supports “partial birth abortion.”   In the Senate she voted against banning this sickening procedure, where the abortionist pulls the baby by its feet until only his/her head is still in the birth canal, then they stick a sharp object, from under the head all the way to the brain, to drain the brain out so it will be easy to finish pulling the baby out.  They do all that to a living human being whose heart has been beating for months!

Mr. Trump, in his rebuttal, did not speak of the above procedure, for some reason or other.  Perhaps, like myself, trying to explain such a procedure would cause him to breakdown crying.  Instead he mentioned the regular abortion doings when they tear out baby parts while getting the baby out of the woman’s body.  Both of these acts are cruel and inhumane.  It is murder, a crime against God’s Laws, and a heinous crime against humanity.

God, forgive us for letting America sink so low!!

 Manuel Ybarra, Jr.  17472 CR 3765, Coalgate, Ok 74538    Phone # (580)-428-3242  

