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Joseph Curfew –Willard Mayor

Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 8:00am
Jim Mackley

Joseph Curfew – Mayor


What would you like your fellow citizens to know about you?


A.  I would like my fellow citizens to know as I did a few years ago and for many years I have prepared to work very hard for them as mayor of Willard City. I have always loved being in Willard, and once again I have the opportunity to run for Mayor. I have had my troubles in the past, but I have owned up to each and every one and proven myself to be honest and upfront. I do not have any hidden agendas, and no axes to grind. I moved to Willard when I was fourteen years old. I worked at the Willard Store and Larry's Service Station in my teens, became a volunteer Firefighter/EMT for Willard, and served as police officer and police chief, and I taught OHV Safety for the State Parks and Recreation at Willard Bay.


What would you change in your city?


  1. Things I would change would be possibly getting a trail done. The trail would be for walking, running and bicycles. I would not change the employment status but get a better understanding of who and what we have in place. I would look into the cost of living for the citizens of the City. I would also change the presence, or lack thereof, of businesses, eateries, shops, etc. yet try to keep Willard City as a peaceful safe place in which to live and work.


Why are you running for office?


A.  I'm running for mayor simply because it is something I have always wanted to do. I feel that I have strong leadership abilities, and can make a difference in a positive way for the City and for the citizens of Willard City. I hope I get the chance to be mayor, and I look forward to the opportunity to serve as such.

