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Willard Hometown News

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 - 10:30am
Dawn Scothern

Willard—On August 1, 2015, Willard celebrated Founder's Day, in conjunction with Fire on the Bay at the Willard Bay State Park North Marina. Willard City residents could pick up a coupon for free entrance to the fireworks. There were activities all day at the bay starting with a marathon race and Dutch oven cook- offs. There were activities for all ages. This is the first year this was at the bay and it was not attended as well as they had hoped for, but they will to try again next year by getting more information out sooner. The fireworks were great out over the Bay.

The Tour of Utah Bike Race came to Willard August 4, 2015. There was a party at Central Park by City Hall beginning at 11:30 a.m. for refreshments, beach ball volleyball, and free SWAGs, beach balls, flags, clappers and bubbles to help cheer the racers on. When the Tour of Utah passed through, they were riding at about 40 miles per hour.

            School started August 31. Please be careful and watchful of the children and busses.

            Here’s a friendly note from the Willard Police Department: “Call when it happens.” Chief Loveland has received a number of reports of incidents days after they have occurred. If you see something suspicious or illegal activity contact Box Elder County Dispatch at 435-723-6890 or 911, if it is an emergency.

A UDOT I-15 Project is set to begin within the next year.  The Utah Department of Transportation will begin adding a third lane to I-15 from Farr West to Brigham City. They will be giving updates through the newspapers; and have set up a website to provide information and update the progress of the project. The link to the website is: This will mean more traffic on Highway 89.

The Willard Fire Department and the City wish to thank the many July sponsors and the citizens that came to join in the fun. There were many businesses that donated.  To see a list of the sponsors, go to the

They wanted to thank everyone for their participation in the Muzzleloader/Archery Shoot on July 4, as well.  There were 44 shooters who participated. Also, thanks to those spectators who came out on a very hot day to watch.

The Classic Car show will be held September 5, 2015, at the City Hall. Come join with your neighbors and friends.

There is an increased West Nile Virus Activity in Box Elder County as mosquito samples test positive. “Mosquito samples testing positive for the virus are the first signs of virus activity,” indicated Randy Sessions, District Manager. “We are keeping a close eye and monitoring these sites as they may become areas of concern for us. We ask that all residents take these findings seriously and take proactive measures to protect themselves from mosquito bites.” No human cases of the virus have been reported in Utah thus far; however, all states surrounding Utah have reported human cases.  In response to the recent findings, the District has increased ground fogging and aerial spraying around agricultural areas where positive mosquitoes have been found to decrease the numbers of adult infected mosquitoes and protect public health.

Last year there were 2 human cases and four horse cases in Utah. Box Elder County saw its last human cases in 2012 with one fatality. One horse case was documented in Box Elder County in 2014.


There is a job opening for a paid reporter for the Sentinel News in the Willard Area. If interested, please call 801-731-9191 or email:
