HJR 8: Convention to Finish Destroying the U.S. Constitution
House Joint Resolution 8 calls for a convention of the states, with delegates likely apportioned and chosen by the corrupt federal congress. These delegates could rewrite or abolish the U.S. constitution and its "Bill of Rights" -- to include the right to keep and bear arms.
Convention decisions could be ratified by whoever -- and however -- the delegates choose; entirely bypassing the state legislatures if they desire. HJR passed house bully Greg Hughes' hand-picked committee, and awaits a final vote on the house floor. Read the threat briefing at
The threat briefing covers the following:
* Once convened, anything goes... including your rights
* Congress organizes & controls the convention
* How many delegates would Utah get in a convention?
* Can't states control their delegates to a convention?
* Don't three-fourths of the states need to approve the results?
* Wouldn't states revolt if the 2nd Amendment were weakened?
* Gun control advocates back convention calls
* Appropriate action: Contact the two bullies who dominate your statutators