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How’s it All Going to End?

Saturday, July 27, 2019 - 12:30pm
John Kushma



With a whimper or with a bang?  Or with some intellectually advanced yet primordially gooey alien creature lauding over America reading us the riot act about how to behave in this world and in God’s universe ...


Maybe it will all end with the 'Mueller Report'.  If Congress would only act on it instead of whining about how upset they all are that America is being sold down the river by its president, the country would have a chance at a new beginning.  Mueller did not have to testify.  His report says it all.  What is Congress waiting for?  Impeach! 


"Hey, Congress!  Delay your summer vacations and get down to the country's, and history's, critical business ...impeach!"   



Trump’s presidency has been an ongoing joke without a punchline ...a black eye the morning after ...a hole in your sock.  Disturbing, but not terminal.  You can make up a punchline, put a steak on your eye, mend your sock.  You can even mend your ways.  So, take joy in the fact that, although it may end badly, for someone, it will end.  There are brighter days ahead, so, stay tuned ...but there will be some hell to pay first ... 


When Donald Trump (I call him ‘President Goldfinger‘ because of his dead-on looks, despite the haircut, and persona of Auric Goldfinger, the infamous international villain in the 007 James Bond movie) first descended the golden (“He loves only gold!”) escalator at Trump Tower in New York City with his wife, Melania, announcing his intention to run for president, the first thing that struck me was that he was descending, not ascending.  It just seemed odd to me, symbolic, and perhaps a sign of things to come.  He was going “down” and he was taking her and the rest of America with him ... 


Trump is an enigma in a certain sense.  Not that he is puzzling or mysterious.  He’s easy to figure out.  He’s smart, and seemingly dumb both at the same time.  Some say he’s “crazy”.  But I don’t think he’s crazy like a fox.  He’s smart on the surface, he has a quick mind, kind of like a stand-up comic, or like a pool room hustler.  He’s quick to pull the trigger on a one-liner or a comeback comment, or on a deal, but the problem is the gun isn’t loaded, he's a lousy pool player ...and a lousy deal maker.  In other words, the lights are on but no one’s home.  There seems to be a critical lack of a depth of understanding.  Though he does make me laugh at times.  I enjoy a good laugh. 


To his credit, however, The Donald managed to become President of the United States of America, that’s no small thing.  It’s the biggest thing.  He stands his ground, he’s an opinionated king, he speaks his mind ...and this is where things go off the rails.  His willingness to humiliate himself, and America, is really all he has going and it has become the juggernaut of his presidency.  Some adore him, some hate him, all with an almost religious intensity.  He takes it on the chin every day, from everyone, it’s almost as if he revels in hate, criticism, and controversy.  There has been no other American president in history so profoundly criticized in the media, deserved as it my be. 


Becoming president wasn’t so much ‘him’ as it was ‘us’.  ‘We the People’ elected him.  It’s understandable ...the same old familiar story of blue-collar America’s dissatisfaction with government ineptness and the closed Washington D.C society.  We needed an “outsider” a “businessman” (but not Mitt Romney) to come in and shake things up, scrape off the mold and the general creepiness of the placid golden parachute administrators, politicians and lobbyists ...streamline the government to work more efficiently.  It wasn’t much of a choice between Trump and Hillary Clinton, and it’s probably why a record number of Americans chose not to vote at all in 2016.  The 2018 midterms showed some promise and gave us a significant number of Democratic congressmen and women to win the House majority.  The 2018 midterms also gave us “The Squad”, the four outspoken young freshman congresswomen who started off their political careers by criticizing Trump, America, and their own Democratic Party.  Not very diplomatic.  Not very smart. 


They picked a fight with Trump, Trump, of course, punched back, the media mediated.  The media, of course, playing to ratings, fanned the ongoing flames of their own fight with Trump and it instantly became an overdramatized ‘race‘ issue.  So, now the four women congresswomen have been branded by the media, not Trump, as “women of color” which is overshadowing the real issue, their insolence.   


To be fair to Trump, he may very well be a ‘racist‘, but I don’t think race was the main issue regarding these four upstart congresswomen “of color” who acted and spoke, in my opinion, inappropriately, ‘color’ notwithstanding.  Unfortunately for Trump, he got dumped on by the media, and his own inability to keep his mouth shut and to show a little class and maturity.  It was the perfect storm, a bad mix of race, mendacity, and media hype. 


How will it all end?  It won’t.  The question is where will it all end?  It will end with you.  The president and the leaders we elect to represent us, they also reflect us.  They reflect you. They are a mirror to our values and our sense of democracy, our understanding and appreciation of freedom ...our sense of conscience ...our sense of apathy ...our sense of madness ...                      



John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.

