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Weber County North Branch Library Holds Open House to Welcome Back its Patrons

Thursday, June 28, 2018 - 6:15pm
Tami L. Johnson

If you happened to miss the grand re-opening of the North Ogden Library then you’ll need to make a trip there yourself to see the amazing transformation.

 Saturday June 23rd, around 1,600 people gathered at the North Branch open-house to walk through the new, improved space.  

Scott Spencer, a former 27-year resident of North Ogden, who served as the President of the library board and a member of the board during the library construction, gave a few remarks on Saturday.

 “Once in a while you might hear someone say, “Libraries are dead…they’ve served their purpose and nobody’s using them. I want you to know over 33 million people apply for jobs and do job searches across this nation every year.”

Spencer goes onto say, “Weber County Library system checks out a quarter of a million items every month. North Ogden is a big part of that.  This community has always supported education, literacy, and libraries.”

Commissioner Jim Harvey also shared some words and paid a special tribute: “One person in particular that is absolutely phenomenal for the libraries is Lynnda Wangsgard. Her leadership, with her team and the staff at the library, is the reason that-- we don’t just have this North Branch but every branch on time and under budget. “ 

June 25, 2018, marks five years ago since the bond was passed to reconstruct the Weber County North Branch Library.   Four projects were proposed and all were under budget and on time.

Incoming 4th graders, were especially invited to come forward and help cut the bright, yellow ribbon signifying the opening of the new facility. 

Once inside you’ll notice the skylight on the north side as it reflects the sun’s rays and illuminates the entire area.

Lynnda Wangsgard, Weber County Library Director, says, “I think it’s the most beautiful library in all of Weber County. It’s very modern and everything you could hope for. The two-story exhibit case is phenomenal. “

There are now two complete levels in the North Branch, which means this library is more than double the size as was before.  There is a large, open area for piano recitals and other activities on the lower level.

The enlarged parking lot in the front allows for more patrons to visit as well as extra parking in the south where the old skate park used to be. There a main entrance as well as an entrance in the southwest doors. Trees have been planted to beautify the outside landscape and a crosswalk painted for safety.

A teen area, also on the lower level, has plenty of options for doing homework, playing board games with friends, watching a movie and more.  A children’s section is filled to the brim with books and toys, and computers. Bathrooms are on both the upper and lower levels. 

The North Branch Library is considered a third generation or third space library which means it includes not only books, but multiple kinds of digital books such as e-books, video, auditory, instructional etc. Third space libraries have also been enlarged for group technology.

Scott Spencer says, “You will not recognize the North Ogden Library.”

Just under 200 library cards were issued Saturday and certainly more to come. 

Several families came with young children as well as teenagers on their own. 

16-year-old book lover, Rachel S., said she’s excited about the new library because, “I don’t have to travel far away anymore!”

Her friend, 17-year-old, Rachel P. laughed saying, “I am excited to come and eat food and just sit.  Maybe I will buy the shop and sell cupcakes.”

 She may have an idea…after all, it is for lease. Anyone interested in the commercial space available? Please call 801-337-2618.

Come see for yourself the newly renovated North Ogden Library and all it has to offer! Or call 1-801-337-2650 for any questions.
