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Something’s Gotta Give ...Doesn’t It?

Monday, July 3, 2017 - 5:00pm
John Kushma

Something’s Gotta Give ...Doesn’t It?


I mean, how much longer can this go on, how much more can America take before, well, something gives?


Donald Trump’s magical mystery tour is literally making Americans crazy.  He’s scaring the children, people are up in the night, congress is befuddled.  Seriously, people are becoming ill, and violent.


Is it Trump or is it the media?  Chicken and egg.  Well, the classic answer to that is, the chicken is merely the egg’s idea for getting more eggs.  Take that for what it’s worth.  Actually, I’ll tell you what it’s worth.  Billions.  The media will push this as far as it can because those ratings and advertising dollars are the eggs this chicken (Trump) will produce for them.  And we’re playing right into it.  We love it, can’t get enough.  What will The Donald do next?  Stay tuned ..stay incensed ..stay thirsty, my friend!


The man has managed to get under the skin of every man, woman and child on the planet.  If you close your eyes late at night and listen real hard you can hear our collective skin crawling.


You hear things like, “He’s not presidential”, “This is not normal”, “He’s infantile!”, He’s mentally disturbed” ...and these are his friends talking!  His detractors want him impeached, some want him imprisoned.


I don’t know how far Trump thinks he can push this, or how long he can get away with his rancorous behavior, I’m not even sure he thinks anything is wrong.  But any psychiatrist will tell you it’s accelerating and something’s gonna give.


Between the recent tweets regarding Mika Brzezinski’s facelift and the CNN “slapdown” video, and our president’s continued infantile-gone-bizarre behavior, I seriously think it’s time for the little men in the white coats ...”They’re coming to take me away, Ha-Haaa!”


I’ve just painted a picture of a man gone nuts, describing someone who possibly needs to be institutionalized.  Someone who could do harm to himself and others.  Someone who may need to be taken out of the mainstream for the good of the general public and for his own good. 


The frightening, sobering thing is that I’m talking about the currently in-office President of the United States of America.  I may be in trouble for saying these things.  But how can they not be said?  What’s even more frightening and sobering is, everybody’s thinking and saying it.


And while all this talk is going on the media, in our living rooms, at work, behind congressional doors, and in the middle of a special counsel investigation of the President for possible crimes against America, he is loose ..meeting with world leaders, shaping foreign and domestic policy, dining with dignitaries, dancing with the stars ..and the crescents.  


Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming!


No, Trump is not seemingly acting very “presidential”, but who is to say what presidential is.  Yes, he has a unique, to say the lest, style, but how long will it take and under what circumstances do we throw a net over him?  He’s beginning to remind me of the incorrigible, demented character Ruprecht in the film “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” staring Steve Martin and Michael Caine:


FUBAR and SNAFU come to mind regarding this presidency, but like any other disaster, when you’re in the middle of it there is no beginning or end in sight, you just ride it out and try to survive and hope for the best. 


What’s really amusing is all the intellectualizing you see and read.  The intelligentsia, the pundits, insiders, outsiders, the journalists and news media entertainers, people “in the know”, all trying to explain the Ruprecht-as-president phenomenon.  


Of all the justification from the right and the demonizing from the left, I haven’t heard anyone say anything original toward a solution.  It’s like they’re all in shock, but they keep talking to fill the air.  The Democrats are talking impeachment, Robert Muller is ...where is Robert Muller by the way?  I thought he was the incredibly honest, forthright, thorough guy who will get to the bottom of all these Russian and other shenanigans.  I hope he’s waiting in the wings with some new insight, and some direction.  


Trump’s approval rating is in the cellar, obviously.  Cable news network ratings are through the ceiling, obviously.  A vicious connection looms.  


Everyone wants a piece of Donald Trump because everyone is making a living off him.  This sounds like a classic American win-win situation.  The public is entertained to the gills, the media never had it so good, The Donald is our American president and performing as anticipated, even better than anticipated.  Meanwhile, as a subtext to this real time saga, we are on the brink of war with North Korea, and Russia, possibly China, ..the middle east hates us more than ever ..Melania remains beautiful, Ivanka continues to hawk handbags and U.S. passports, Jared is hiding under the bed, and Mika needs another facelift.


God bless America.  But something’s gotta give ...doesn’t it?   



John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.

