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Dear Editor, Emergency Rooms

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 3:45pm
Jim Green

Emergency Rooms at hospitals across the country are already seeing a significant increase in the numbers of patients since January. Obamacare wasn't supposed to have that effect.

Dear Editor,

Many doctors are refusing to play along and are going to be quitting the profession rather than be controlled by socialized medicine, which is the Affordable Care Act. So people are having a hard time finding Primary Care Physicians.

How is it that we are going to add 30 million more people to the list of covered patients with a current doctor shortage and the prediction of even fewer physicians in the future?

It doesn't equate. The whole mess is a disaster—precisely as most of us predicted. Obamacare, which IS unconstitutional, must be repealed immediately and completely, before it does any more damage.

Captain Jim Green

