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White House At War With America

Wednesday, May 31, 2017 - 12:30pm
John Kushma

White House At War With America



Sure seems that way.


“They’re all hold up in there and there’s no tellin’ what they’ll do next!”  


Sounds like a line from a cowboy or a gangster movie.  But it’s our American White House, the traditional, beloved home of our president and First Family.  We’ve watched generations of kids grow up there, watched First Ladies promote public service projects from there.  


Now, it feels more like the Alamo.


I’ll admit that the press has been unkind to President Trump.  But that’s his own doing.  He’s made himself an easy target not only for the media but for every comedian in show business.  And now, by scorning and virtually cutting off the American press he is cutting off the American people as well.


He’s snubbing us.  There must be some law against that.   His shameless tweeting is counterproductive and beneath the dignity of a United States president.  It just doesn’t feel right.       


There’s a lot that doesn’t feel right about this president and his family circle of advisors.  Like the spoiled little boy that he is, and like the bully he is at his core nature, President Donald Trump’s White House is indeed turning into a house of cards.


His discourtesy in pushing aside the prime minister of Montenegro, Dusko Markovic, last week at a NATO meeting in Brussels spoke volumes about Donald Trump’s core nature.  Just as his comments did on the ‘Access Hollywood‘ bus.  Donald Trump is a rude man, full of bluster, full of himself.  Europeans don’t do business that way.  German Chancellor, Angela Merkle, says that Germany can’t rely on America anymore.  I know how she must feel.  Many U.S. allies are feeling the same way.  


Thanks to to the media, we’ve got Trump’s number and he knows it.  So it’s predictable that this immature personality would shut the White House doors and windows, close the blinds and curtains, and shut us all out by marginalizing the press. 


What’s going on in the White House right now and for the last six months -- and during the 2016 presidential campaign, needs to be rigorously investigated.  There are so many dots that seemingly connect to form a sinister, convoluted picture that may go far beyond nepotism and inexperienced foreign policy missteps, and into a scenario of espionage, corruption, and possibly treason.


Real serious stuff.  And I sincerely hope that former FBI Director, Robert Muller, the Justice Department’s special council overseeing the investigation, get’s to the bottom of this quickly, for America’s sake.


Trump’s White House is a disgrace.  Hardly the beacon symbol of freedom or the shinning castle on the hill.  Not the Camelot mystique of the Kennedy era.  There is seemingly no First Family, or at least none to admire.  Trump’s eerie sons have virtually disappeared.  I can’t even remember their names.  Tiffany was never a player.  Ivanka and Jared Kushner are opportunistic monsters ..disturbing royalty. 


And what about Mrs. Trump, the beautiful Melania?  So far, just eye candy.  It’s not her fault that she inherited this life’s scheme, but it’s hard to view her as just a young mother with a young son to care for in a golden tower in New York City with costly 24/7 secret service protection.  She apparently has no national projects or personal humanitarian causes to promote like all the other First Ladies.  We should expect more from her.


I don’t know what Special Council Robert Muller’s investigation can do, legally or otherwise, to get to the bottom of this Trump-Russia mess quickly and decisively, but I do know that Trump is a master of evasion and deflection ..bluster and deception.  He won’t talk to the American press or answer their questions, but he welcomes the Russian press wholeheartedly into the White House like a vengeful, spoiled little boy with hurt feelings.  Does he realize how this looks and what it implies from the world view, not to mention from the American view?  


The reason Muller needs to get this investigation done quickly and either impeach the guy or exonerate him, is because Trump will continue to sidestep and eventually push America into a devastating, while conveniently distracting, military conflict with say North Korea, which will have a catastrophic domino effect worldwide with America as the biggest loser Russia.  This is something the Russians have been engineering since the cold war, and having Donald Trump in the White House only supports their plan.  In fact, it may have been their plan. 


Trump supporters say he was doing the right thing by “reading NATO the riot act” about member countries paying their fair share.  Maybe so.  They say he “hit a home run” in Saudi Arabia.  Definitely not, that was a demeaning spectacle.  They say his European tour set a new, higher standard for America’s expectations of its allies, and confirmed the United States to an elevated world leadership role.  In my opinion, our president embarrassed himself as an arrogant bully ..not to be confused with bullish ..and exposed our weaknesses, the most relevant being President Trump himself, to the world community.  Angela Merkle said it best as she ‘no longer regards the U.S. as reliable.’


I’m not sure President Trump will weather the Russian collusion investigation.  He may.  But he is looking burned out, pissed-off and running scared.  A bad combination.  If I was Robert Muller I’d turn up the heat every day, I wouldn’t let Trump breath until the truth is flushed out.


President Donald Trump can simply not hold up in the White House Alamo and go to war with the American people through the American press.  He can spin, bob and weave ..deflect, duck and detract.  He can run ..but he can’t hide.  


And he can’t win again this time.


...we all know what happened at the Alamo.




John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.

