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Yeah, Baby!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 - 9:15am
John Kushma

Shamed, yet somehow mistakenly proud of himself American Senator Mitch McConnell flashes a wide grin and signals a winning thumbs up after selling America down the river and into the annals of history closing the final chapter in ‘2020: The Death of Democracy’.  Perhaps some other yet unknown fledgling country will read about America in the history books some day and pick up the ball of truth, justice and the ‘former‘ American way giving life and a re-birth to democracy. 


Maybe they will be inspired buy Americans like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, and Adam Schiff, and learn to beware of traitors like Benedict Arnold, Donald Trump, and Mitch McConnell. 


The 2020 presidential election will probably be a repeat of the 53-47 vote in the Senate to nail the lid on America’s coffin.  After all, these senators don’t represent themselves or their conscience or values.  They apparently have none.  They fundamentally represent their jobs and their income and pensions.  They play at representing their constituents, these 'American People‘ we keep hearing about.  You know, the ones who elected Trump in 2016 and the ones who make up his base of supporters, the ‘basket of deplorables’ who jump up and down at his rallies.  The ones who believe and become hypnotized by Trump’s rhetoric and arrogance, his dancing on the bar knocking over glasses, bottles and the innocent.  His dancing on the grave of America once famed for its justice, knowledge and values.  Its “speak softly but carry a big stick” ...and not its ‘be obnoxious and shoot yourself in the foot’. 


I’m sorry, but I don’t trust ‘The American People‘ anymore to make critical decisions in any mass or cohesively sound way. 


When the American people rally to their owing to America, when they rally to wipe that smile off Mitch McConnell’s face and break both those thumbs, and rally to throw President Goldfinger out of office before the 2020 election ...then my trust and faith in ‘The American People’ will be restored.  


Admittedly, we don’t have much going for the rest of us in 2020 in the way of a democratic presidential candidate.  Biden is damaged goods now even more than he was coming in.  The momentum he created has been blown apart.  If he can stay awake he’d realize his son, Hunter, sunk his chances of becoming president and is as much as a liability to him as Donald Jr. is to his father, Goldfinger.  Fathers protect and promote their weakest children.  The press coming off the Ukraine scandal hurt Biden even more than Trump’s pressure on Zelensky to investigate the Bidens.  We know all we need to know now.  Trump won that round in a big way and I’m sure he’s laughing about it as you read this.  Thanks, media! 


That leaves Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg and Klobuchar ...Andrew Yang.  Good luck to them, but take you pick, and that is the problem.  Take you pick and split the party vote even further. 


Bloomberg is an outlier and a legitimate threat.  But, the world will say, isn’t that just like America, to make the richest guy president. 


So, yeah, baby! ...Mitch.  Take that victory lap, spike that ball.  Grin like we’ve never seen you grin before.  Thumbs up, man, you did it!  You won for your boss.  I wonder what on earth your reward will be.  Is it money?  Fame?  Or just the reward of knowing you killed American democracy.  For the time being ... 


...but we’ll be back.



John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah


Some past articles and op-eds
