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Brilliant Uses For Listerine

Monday, November 5, 2018 - 12:00pm

Listerine mouthwash is a great go-to option if you need fresh breath, but this popular product can do so much more. Its antibacterial properties are ideal for many DIY remedies, and its strong smell is useful too. Here are some awesome uses for Listerine

·         Stop Toenail Fungus: Kill that nasty fungus by soaking your feet in a bath of Listerine. Mix a little with warm water, and soak for 20 minutes. Your fungus should clear up in no time.

·         Aftershave: If you’re out of aftershave, try Listerine. It will leave you feeling fresh and smelling clean.

·         Clean The Toilet: This substance sanitizes and deodorizes your toilet. Pour a little in, brush it around the bowl, and flush.

·         Protect Piercings: New body piercings are more likely than older ones to become infected, especially around the belly button. Dab some Listerine around the pierced area to help prevent it from becoming infected.

·         Cure the Itch: Believe it or not, Listerine can clear up an itch fast. Whether you suffer from allergies or poison ivy, dab some on a cotton ball and apply it to the affected area.

·          Banish Dandruff: Say goodbye to dandruff. Massage the mouthwash into your scalp, then rinse it out with your usual shampoo.

·         Back-Up Deodorant: If you ran out of deodorant, don’t worry. You’re not out of luck just yet. Rub a little Listerine on your armpit to stop the smell.

·         Stop The Spread of Lice: Listerine can help to prevent lice from spreading. Soak your hair in the mouthwash then cover it with a shower cap for about 2 hours. Afterward, wash and rinse your hair like you usually do.

·          On-The-Go Phone Cleaner: Pour a little Listerine into a travel-sized bottle and keep a soft cloth handy. Now you can wipe off your phone wherever you are.

·          Flea-Free Pets: Flea sprays can be expensive, but this cheap alternative works great. Mix Listerine with water or doggie shampoo, then give your dog a bath just like usual. Make sure your dog doesn’t have sensitive skin or open wounds.

·          Relieve Pain From Stings: Bee and wasp stings really hurt! Use Listerine to relieve the pain. It will numb the affected area while you work to get the stinger out.

·          Facial Cleanser: Listerine has powerful antiseptic properties, so it is a great product to use for fighting acne.

·          Clean Cuts: Listerine’s antibacterial properties make it great for cleaning cuts and scrapes. Simply pour it over the affected area, then rinse it out with water.

·         Toothbrush Cleaner: If you trust it to clean your mouth, you should trust it to clean your toothbrush. We may not think about it, but toothbrushes need to be cleaned regularly too.

·         Heal Bruises Faster: If you bruise easily, this tip is for you. Dab some Listerine onto a cotton ball and gently press it into the bruised area. This should increase blood flow, causing the bruise to heal faster than it would have.

·          Screen Cleaner: Just a little spray of this product will clean your screen flawlessly. You can clean your laptop, your TV, or any other screen in your life.

·         Clean Your Washing Machine: Add a cup of Listerine to a load of laundry (along with your regular detergent). The mouthwash will kill any germs on your clothing, and it will even clean your washing machine.

·          De-Odorize Your Trash: If your trash smells intolerable, soak some Listerine into a paper towel and throw it away. The smell will overpower that yucky trash smell

·         Sanitize Your Bathroom: Listerine makes a great last-minute bathroom cleaner. Wipe down your mirrors, sinks, and countertops with a blend of Listerine and water.

·         Breath Freshener: You might usually rinse your mouth with Listerine after you brush your teeth, but you can also use it in the middle of the day to freshen up. Your breath will smell fantastic.

