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May God bless America today and always. Happy Independence Day!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017 - 8:00pm
Rob Anderson 

I've spent decades of my life studying mathematics, science and aeronautical engineering. At heart, however, I am a man of faith. I believe in God. I believe in prayer. I believe in miracles. I believe the founding of America was nothing short of a miracle. We are taught that miracles don't occur randomly, but rather, "every miracle has its provenance, that every miracle has been prayed for." (Miracle at Philadelphia)

After the wording in the Declaration of Independence was finalized, John Adams wrote his wife Abigail:

"...It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more."

Since that momentous occasion, July 4, 1776, 241 years have passed. America's Declaration of Independence  was more than just words on paper, the declaration was accompanied by an eight-year war against Great Britain. The Revolutionary War lasted until September 3, 1783, and included an estimated 25,000-70,000 colonist lives lost.

Sometimes - ofttimes - miracles come at a tremendous cost.

Four years after the war ended, the Constitutional Convention convened in Philadelphia on May 2, 1787. Of the 55 delegates in attendance, nearly three quarters had previously participated in the Continental Congress when the Declaration of Independence was drafted. In fact, eight delegates were signers of the Declaration of Independence. Seven delegates had been state governors, and 21 had fought in the Revolutionary War. The majority were in their 20s and 30s. Benjamin Franklin was the oldest at 81. The next oldest was 43. James Madison, who is referred to as the Father of the Constitution, was only 36.

Miracles indeed.

Almost two centuries later, the 15th Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Warren E. Burger, wrote "Our Constitution has had as great an impact on humanity as the splitting of the atom."

America is an exceptional Nation. We are, and forever will be, strengthened by what unites us. Never apologize for being an American. May we each recommit today, and everyday, to remember the sacrifices of those who came before us, and to thank God unceasingly for the blessing of being an American. May we recommit to the ideals that have made our country exceptional: kindness, charity, others before self, integrity, and respect.

May God bless America today and always. Happy Independence Day!

Rob Anderson 
117 E. South Temple Street 
Salt Lake City, UT 84111           
