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It’s Unconscionable

Monday, August 5, 2019 - 3:00pm
John Kushma

It’s unconscionable that ‘Moscow’ Mitch McConnell is stalling, killing, legislation that would help prevent Russian hacking of U.S. elections. 


It’s unconscionable that ‘President Goldfinger‘, Trump, is sticking to his NRA Second Amendment mantra that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, especially when legislation is rotting on the vine to help prevent people from killing people ...WITH GUNS! 


(Unconscionable:  Not right or reasonable.  Courts use the term ‘unconscionable’ to describe conduct that is either unjust or one-sided to benefit one party more than the other.  In contract law an unconscionable contract is one that no reasonable person would enter into without some very compelling reason.  Those who do end up entering  into unconscionable contracts tend to be poorly educated, living in poverty, and/or have been unable to find a fairer agreement for themselves elsewhere.) 


Hmmm ...could explain why Trump won the election.  His voters entered into an unconscionable contract with him.  His basket of deplorables are unconscionable.  Unconscionable that this man, our American president, a playboy draft dodger and gossip column flunky with the moral fortitude of a rabbit, the conscience of a porn star, and the intellect of a goldfish, is calling out to these base supporters to rally for hate, division and ‘moral justice’ all in the name America. 


It’s unconscionable. 


And we just sit and watch in amazement as it unfolds before our eyes.  We complain, we’re incensed, bewildered, angry ...and that’s just where he’s positioned us as we seemingly can’t or won’t do anything about it.  Why?  Because we, like good boy scouts, play by the rules, and our president, like the snake oil con man he is, plays by his own rules.  WTF?


It’s unconscionable, and America is unraveling as we watch between the commercials. 


Trump called the recent shooting in El Paso “an act of cowardice”.  And I’m sure his “heart goes out to the victims” ...yada, yada, yada.  Yeah, that helps.  I mean, wow that all he can say about it?  Shows you how far removed from reality he actually is.  That wasn’t an act of cowardice, it was an act of hate ...fearlessness, daring, audacity,...insanity.  Not cowardice.  The 9/11 attackers were not cowards.  It took hate, guts and passion, and maybe some strong meds, to do what these murdering terrorists did, and are doing. 


Trump won’t admit that he is every much as responsible for these murderous media events as the media is itself.  He hates the media, but knows the media is his best friend.  He has created an atmosphere in America, and so follows the media, where angry young white men, men similar in character, thinking, and personality to Trump, feel empowered to take ‘their law’ into their own hands and to die for their cause, taking many and any of us with them.  Have you watched any of Trump’s rallies?  They’re unconscionable. 


The mainstream media, especially the 24-hr. cable news networks, although they do a good job reporting the news and entertaining us, and a good job uncovering crimes and misdemeanors, are playing from a stacked deck and having their cake and eat it too.  Ratings skyrocket, advertisers buy more time, and we let the news stars tell us what to think.  


My own personal opinion of the news media, especially CNN, dragging out and interviewing the heartbroken, pathetic and sobbing victims of these shootings is in poor taste.  Maybe good for ratings, but to me, bad optics and poor taste.  Unconscionable. 


Every media maven, pundit, and politician seems to know ‘what the American people want’.  Americans seem to just want a good show, that’s all.  Doesn't speak well for us. Taxes, education, economy, health care, infrastructure, foreign and domestic policies, immigration, crime, environment, something-or-other reform, etc., etc., are all well and good but in the end we’ll take what they give us and be damn happy to get it ...and damn happy to complain about not getting it.  Either way, they win, we lose.  It’s how it’s always been and how it will always be.  We have been segregated into a nation of malcontents played like pawns on an American chess board. 


They’re selling, we’re buying.  It’s unconscionable. 


Now the focus is on ‘white supremacists‘ or more specifically ‘white terrorists‘.  Correctly so.  You don’t see many black shooters or shooters of color.  There’s a systemic and cultural reason for that.  African Americans, hispanics, have an intuitive humanity and social conscience, and a long-standing cultural dignity that prevents them from doing what their white counterparts are doing ...mass murder.  It speaks well of people of color as a whole.  And let's not forget what the 'white terrorists' did to America's indigenous people, the Indians, who were here first.  As for the Islamic terrorists, I’d tell them to save their suicide bombs and ammo for another use.  We Americans are doing a real good job of wiping ourselves and our society off the face of the map.    


Where this is all going to end up is anyone’s guess, but it doesn’t look good.  And as long as ‘President Goldfinger’ Trump occupies the White house, ‘white’ will be the name of the game along with his 'gold' and we will continue to see more Trump-inspired white terrorism and mass shootings.  Impeach him now or vote him out of office next year. We need to put him out of our misery.  


It’s unconscionable. 



John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.
