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Health Education

Thursday, September 5, 2019 - 1:30pm
Deanna Holland

State school board meeting tomorrow morning at 9 am. Join me if you would like. 250 E 500 S SLC

WARNING: This post contains information that can be taught to Utah middle and high school students. AKA, YOUR CHILDREN.

I learned something new yesterday. As I read through the approved Utah sex-ed Q&A’s, I learned that some humans engage in mouth to anus oral sex. Pause for a moment. Yes, I just described the sexual practice of one human being licking the anus of another human being. 


I also learned that girls that ONLY engage in ANAL sex are pretty safe from getting pregnant.

I am NOT OK with these types of sexual acts being normalized and taught to my children.

Also, did you know that abortion is just “emptying the contents of the uterus?” 

I will be at the state school board meeting tomorrow morning at 9 am. Join me if you would like. 250 E 500 S SLC

Want to see all the questions and answers listed? Here is a link to Teacher's Guide (see question #29):…/03e62195-10a8-47af-810a-7234…"
Visit the official school board website at: If you want to make comment please contact
Lorraine Austin, 801-538-7517,


