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2016 Bill Tracking Page: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Monday, February 8, 2016 - 11:15am
UT Gun Rights

2016 Bill Tracking Page: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
(Alert for 2/2/16): The annual statutory session is well underway.  Keep up with bills impacting your right to keep and bear arms at

2016 Utah Government Corruption Report
(Alert 1/25/16): Learn how your house and senate statutators, and Executive Monarch Gary "BB Gun Background Checks" Herbert, betrayed you.  This report demonstrates how Utah’s culture of political corruption operates, and how gun owners are played for fools.  Only a highly-informed community can overcome the manipulation, deception, and fraud underlying this “pay-to-play” society.  Read and print this report at

UT Gun Rights

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UT Gun Rights promotes the right of individuals to keep and
bear firearms, responsible and confident firearms ownership
and use, and political accountability at the state and local level.

It is your natural right to defend yourself from unjust attacks
by any individual, mob, or government. This is self-evident to all
but the naïve – and the corrupt politicians and institutions that
manipulate them.