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Weber-Box Elder Conservation District

Tuesday, June 13, 2017 - 3:00pm

Board of Trustees

Monthly Meeting

Notice Date & Time: 6/13/17 3:00 PM



Weber-Box Elder Conservation District
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
June 13, 2017
3:00 PM


1. Review and approval of minutes from May 9, 2017

2. Water report

3. Consideration of the adoption of: A RESOLUTION of the Weber-Box Elder Conservation District, Utah (the 'District'), authorizing the District's Tax Anticipation Note, Series 2017 (the 'Note') in the principal amount of $1,900,000 for the purpose of meeting the current expenses of the district; ratifying actions heretofore taken; and providing for related matters. - review/action

4. Unit I Joint Use Reservoir (North Ogden City)
A. Discussion of benefits to District
B. Financing options

5. Petitions for inclusion/exclusion - review/action

6. District construction update

7. Board member questions/comments

8. Approval and payment of bills

9. Adjourn
