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Weber Mosquito

Monday, June 12, 2017 - 6:00pm

Board of Trustees

Meeting Notice

Notice Date & Time: 6/12/17 6:00 PM



1. Approval of the May 8, 2017 Meeting Minutes
2. Presentation of May 2017 Financial Statements, Budget Report, and Approval of the Monthly Bills
3. Approve/Disapprove: Marriott-Slaterville Redevelopment Agency-Project Jeremiah West
4. Amendment to the Board of Trustees By Laws (to include the annual performance evaluation of the District Director's position)
5. Approve/Disapprove: Amendments and additions to the Personnel Policies & Procedures manual
6. Capital Projects presentation and discussion
7. Utah Mosquito Abatement Association Annual Conference-Oct. 29-31, 2017 (Park City)
8. Director's Report
9. Adjourn
