Notice Date & Time: 8/15/17 10:00 AM
Weber County
Notice of Public Hearing
Proposal for Creation of Agriculture Protection Area
The Weber County Commission will hold a public hearing on August 15, 2017, at 10 a.m., 2380 Washington Blvd., 1st Floor, regarding the proposed Agriculture Protection Area (APA) for land serial numbers 18-048-0025 and 18-048-0012 (by Chamberlain). There have been no proposed modifications to the proposed APA. The APA Advisory Board, which reviewed it, recommended approval. Any interested persons may appear at the public hearing and speak for or against the proposal or the recommendation for approval. What is an APA: it falls under State Code and does not change the current use of agricultural land; it protects continuance of agriculture activities, as outlined in State Code. For questions, call the County Clerk/Auditor, 801-399-8452