Notice Date & Time: 8/4/17 6:30 PM
Welcome: Chairman Waite
Invocation: Commissioner Prisbrey
Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Cevering
6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Roll Call
2. Minutes Approval:
a. Consideration to approve the July 19, 2017 Planning Commission meeting minutes
3. Opening Meeting Statement
4. Ex parte communications or conflicts of interest to disclose
5. Public comments for items not on the Agenda
6. Administrative Items:
a. SPR 2017-02 Consideration and action regarding an administrative application, site plan approval of the Beans and Brew drive-through and Cricket Wireless store located at 2420 Washington Boulevard.
b. SUB 2015-04 Consideration and action on an administrative application, final approval of the Quail Ponds Subdivision, Phase 4 (9 lots).
7. Legislative Items:
a. ZTA 2017-06 Discussion of Sports Court ordinance and Field Trip.
8. Remarks from Planning Commissioners
9. Report of City Planner: North Ogden City Planning Commissioner's Handbook
10. Remarks from City Attorney
11. Adjournment