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Weber County Commission

Tuesday, August 14, 2018 - 10:00am

Weber County Commission

Weber County Commission

Notice Date & Time: 8/14/18 10:00 AM



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Weber County, Utah will hold a regular commission meeting in the Commission Chambers of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 14th day of August 2018.

The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:

A. Welcome - Commissioner Harvey
B. Invocation - Moment of Silence
C. Pledge of Allegiance - Shelly Halacy
D. Thought of the Day - Commissioner Ebert
E. Public Comments (please limit comments to 3 minutes)

F. Presentation

Update from Your Community Connection and request for funding.
Presenter: Julie Smith

G. Consent Items

1. Request for approval of warrants #1517 and #430888-431070 in the amount of $795,077.80.
2. Request for approval of purchase orders in the amount of $226,725.07.
3. Request for approval of minutes for meetings held on August 14, 2018.
4. Request for approval of new business licenses.
5. Request for approval of Trainee Reimbursement Agreements by and between Weber County and the following:
Cody Williamson
Eleace McCain
Piper Palmer
Kirsten Slater

H. Action Items

1. Request for approval of a letter of support for the Utah Department of Natural Resources to purchase property in Weber County near the Monte Cristo snowmobile parking lot.
Presenter: Sean Wilkinson
2. Request for approval of an addendum to a contract between Weber County and LSI agreeing to allow LSI to seek grants on the Weber County's behalf in an agency capacity.
Presenter: Christopher Crockett

3. Request for approval of an agreement between Weber County and the Utah Department of Workforce Services to receive an Afterschool Quality Improvement (AQI) grant.
Presenter: Melissa Freigang

4. Request for approval of a professional services agreement between Weber County and The DICIO Group for Public Relations, Marketing, and Communications.
Presenter(s): Commissioner Ebert/Christopher Crockett
5. Request for approval of a resolution of the County Commissioners of Weber County appointing Mayor Z. Lee Dickemore to serve on the Weber-Morgan Board of Health as the WACOG representative.
Presenter: Christopher Crockett
6. Discussion and/or action on request from Kimberly Clark Worldwide INC to reduce impact fees.
Presenter: Craig Browne

7. Request for approval of a Real Property Lease Agreement by and between Weber County and Staker Parson Companies.
Presenter: Bill Ross

I. Public Hearing

1. Request for a motion to adjourn public meeting and convene public hearing.

2. Public hearing to consider and take action on a request to vacate a portion of Lot 1 in the Pelican Bluff Subdivision.
Presenter: Felix Lleverino

3. Public Comments (please limit comments to 3 minutes)

4. Request for a motion to adjourn public hearing and reconvene public meeting.

5. Action on public hearing.

H5- Discussion and/or action on a request to vacate a portion of Lot 1 in the Pelican Bluff Subdivision.
Presenter: Felix Lleverino

J. Commissioner Comments

K. Adjourn
